1094 Submitted postcards

Heyy Ivan heyy Martin I just wanted you to know i'm on your side we all are i mean it's ridiculous what happened to you both I guess the Greece government just wanted to look like they're actually doing something
Hope you guys are doing better now with your release and I can't wait for Arma 3 ! Good luck !
I seen a video from rinochrunch about you and he is the reason i am sending a message to you. Sending this isint for selfish stuff like if i want Arma 3 but its because those miss undertanding could be hard and i give my message credit to rinocrunch
We Love you
I hope you guys are doing well, wishing you the best! See if the guards will let you out with this card! :D lol
from:Big Steve
hope things turn out good for you guys but unfortunately this crap always happens just to make sure try not to let them here you call them wogs that might hurt your chances. best thing to do is to stick together and wait it out. Good Luck
Your game is awesome and what hapened to you is totally unfair, i hope you be free soon
Great news that your home, congratulations Ivan on the newborn. Spend some time with your family and have a beer then its back to work on a great game for both of you. Good Luck MrSemitastic
welcome home, you boys were strong out there get home and get some rest. but don't forget to create the best games on the PC when this is all said and done.
Glad to have you back! Sorry about the big misunderstanding in Greece, but the world is under tension now. So don't feel bad OK. I would love to see ARMA III
Hi i am a french canadien that enjoy good game! Ase you may or may not know you 2 guy participed in creating some inovative and COMPLETELY fun new way of creating a open world. You may be in ( and excuse my language) TON of shit right now but as you may know too You guy are not regret the upcoming event of your life!!! plenty of change (money income,oppotunity ect....) So keep your head up and keep on fighting!
Welcome back Sirs. We'll get them back. -Dekster
I wish you all the best...hope to see you guys back...take care
Dear Ivan and Martin: I`m one of your fan from a million. I don`t know how to say that I love your games so much. I`m from China, and there are a huge numbers of people are supporting you guys. I just wanna said we all love you. For those things you done for only making a awesome video game, we salute you. Don`t lose hope, cause you have people who supporting you from all around the world. regard
Hey Ivan and Matt I recently heard of your unlucky events in Greece. I am a fourteen year old boy who lives in Australia and I hope this postcard gets you closer to freedom. I wish you guys the very best and bless you.
Loved your Operation Flashpoint games more than anything, and I would hate to have fellow developers incarcerated, for something so silly and stupid, so best of luck and take care.
i hope you guys are doing good
from:Christian GILG
Hi Ivan, Hi Martin, I just read the news. I'm very very happy for you. Now you are released and allowed to come back to Czech republic. This is a great relief for everyone. Once I'm back to Prague to BISim office, I would like to meet you both, and offer your some glasses of French champagne :) Again, I'm very happy for you. Take care. Christian.
Only good luck, I wish you good!
from:Le Tuan Linh
Hey you guys. Im a young wanna be game developer at the age of 18. Once i heard about your case i was against it immediately. Hope you guys are on your feet again and doing what you love to do! PS: I really like your mod and would like the see how the new game is going to be.
Guys, I salute you, here is a free bear, you guys don't deserve to be there. I hope you guys get out of that place, Looking forward to ARMA 3 and will be getting it, good wishes to you!
from:Colin O.
Hello Ivan and hello Martin Hold on my friends you are awesome! I have big respect for you being so brave. With friendly greetings from Denmark.
from:Nick (Cyanyde) Young
I am really happy to hear you finally got bail. Here's hoping they get some sense and drop the charges all together. Good luck to you in the future! You have both been in my heart and on my mind since Sept 9, and will continue to be until this is all behind you.
Hey, I hope you guys get out of prison as soon as possible, and can have a chance to get back to your family soon. :)
from:Jack Coulston
We are all rooting for you guys. I just hope you now know that.
from:Derek "DirkaDirka" Haggy
Dear Friends, It's very sad one should even hear of such news, I can only imagine actually going through such a moronic move of a country I rarely hear anything good about these days. Ludicrous Speed on your return guys. From the USA, Derek Haggy
from:Chris Thompson
To Martin Pezlar and Ivan Buchta, this is Chris Thompson from Anderson, Indiana, USA. I cannot believe what the Greek government is doing to you. Your just two guys who came to their region to take pictures and videos to make your game better. The fact that they could get away with this atrocity for so long is mind boggling. I hope you can go home soon, and live your lives like you should have been doing this whole time that you've been detained.
Stay strong bros. We got your back.
Dear whom may concern, I am writing to say that I hope you get out of jail soon and help Dean and the rest of the crew as so as possible. Best wishes Valkrea
Max Schmitz Hello guys! I hope you are doing well at the moment. I am sure it is a hard time for you, but keep in mind, the whole community stands behind you. We support you with everything we have. We would even send you a cake with a nail file in it! I wish you guys the best!
Have Hope! You will get out & see your families & friends again. I just know it...It will and have to happen.
Hope you guys get out of jail and go back to what u guys do best :)
Hey bro i feel so bad for you and i hope you know everyone is waiting for you to come home :) good luck and wish you the best!
Sorry I couldn't find a cake to put the file in but at least you hav a tasty snack while you wait to be released and finish with arma 3 hope their treating you guys ok.
It saddens me to see you guys in there.. For nothing i assume.. Get out soon ps. Don't drop the soap
from:Whiton (Talon19) Erikson
Hi Guys. Sorry this is happening to you. I am personally doing all I can. I've got my friends and a few co-workers to sign the petition and do other things to help. I love the ArmA series and hope you guys get to go home to your families soon.
When I go to holiday I take in my pocket some cheese, a cake and a burger... ;) gl
Not much to say.... Stay strong in there!
from:hervai from France
Courage guys, many people are behind you to get you free.
from:-Duke the Bad Dragon
Wish you were here!
from:Marvin Blöcker
Hang in there guys! Many, many people are caring for you. Contacting ambassadors, protesting in the streets and spreading the word of your absurd and ridiculous imprisonment. This card here will grant you your first beer after they released you two. ;-) Hopefully you can enjoy it very soon. Greetings from Germany, Marvin Blöcker
Dear Ivan and Martin I Wish you to get back home very soon. Keep hope
Hi, I hope you will be released soon so you can get home to your families and also so all us DayZ fans can se what kind of ideas you have for the next map(s). The Chernarus map is just awesome and im sure that that the next one wil bee even better. Love from Norway
Držte se...
from:Jussi Tuomi
Hang in there fellow game developers. I hope you get home to your families soon. Love from Finland.
Hello, I have 13 years old. I am a little bit young I know. I play Arma 2, (Know its +18, But hey men) I am french. I have discover your history one days ago. I have cry, because I don't want to the videogames a crime, its not just that, its remind me all the victim on injustice, who stay in prison, away from her family and her friends. I don't wan't this for you. Your only game developpers who give dream and hobbies for young and elder kids. I can't help all peoples, But I can help you
from:Daniel Wesoly
Hearing about your current situation aggravates me beyond belief. Every time I think about it I just wonder why you have not been freed yet? people won't give up until you are back in your families arms. Stay strong and please keep strong!
from:Victor Pflug
Hey guys! As a fellow game dev I was shocked and utterly dismayed to learn of your imprisonment - it's so messed up I hardly know what to write here, although I'm sure many of the other people around the world showing their support via this website could say it much better than me. But for what it's worth, I really hope you guys get back home soon and doing what you do best. All the best from everyone at Wormwood Studios - we'll do what we can to help get you guys back!
Ivan and Martin, greetings from America, where Im sure a misunderstanding like this would never happen. Im sorry Greece is really insecure and wish for you to be out soon. During your appeal you should tell the judge to look at pics of the base on Google Maps.. Best of luck keep fighting. So many people supporting you.
Hope you are doing well keep well, also here is a invisible cake :D ------|_|_|_|-------- -----|********|------ ----|**********|----- ---| Screw |---- --| Greece |---
Much love from YT Video Director ShakyShawn8151 Hope you to get out soon, this is unright and unjust, i just signed the petition as well as making a youtube video asking for more supporters, also tweeted the embassater to help free you men, stay strong men you will be home soon
from:Earl aka Eczj20
I hope you will be able to get out of the prison. It appals me that Greece, a country which I personally loved due to their culture and history would be stupid enough to think that you two were spies. I shall try to spread the word about this and which would hopefully help in the petition
from:Martin Janíček
Kluci vydržte, spousta lidi se vás snaží dostat ven.
from:Jan Modrák
Chcípněte tam čuráci
from:Kevin Oberbeck
Hello Ivan and Martin, be sure that whe stand behind your back. I´m going to unleash a revolution against these circumstances! You are going to be free soon! Keep your heads up! Greetings from Germany
from:Kevin Oberbeck
Hello Ivan and Martin, be sure that whe stand behind your back. I´m going to unleash a revolution against these circumstances! You are going to be free soon! Keep your heads up! Greetings from Germany
from:Mitchell Zammit
Best of wishes guise, may all your problems get well.
from:River Douglas
We all support you from across the world. Stay strong. If I was jailed for over 100 days for taking pictures I'd be ready to kill several people. From Australia, we salute you and hope that you get out of there as soon as possible for the sake of your families and the millions of people who want to play DayZ and Arma 3.
Hope they let you guys out of that shithole jail and shithole country as soon as possible! The world supports you guys! When they declare you both innocent the Greek government better find a way to make this up to you both. Best of luck guys.
from:Luke Remian Canada
The more difficulties one has to encounter, within and without, the more significant and the higher in inspiration his life will be. -Horace Bushnell You guys are definitely an inspiration, hope you guys get out soon.
from:Nathan Duncan
Dear Martin/Ivan I am really sorry to hear about all that has happened, I cannot help much as I am only 15 but I wish for the best to both of you and hope that 2013 is a better year for you both. Just stay strong and keep fighting and we'll get through this!
from:Gabe S.
Ivan and Martin, Long time fan from the USA here, hope this finds you in good spirits. It's not the Czech Republic, but I hope a picture of a nice pine forest near my home in Arizona will help lift your spirits. I hope for your release! Gabriel S.
The thing that have happened to you guys is terrible. I hope you guys will be free soon. Keep strong :)
from:Tomáš Vlk
Chlapi! Držte se! Už brzo to skončí a Vy budete zase doma! Myslíme na VÁS!
from:matty from australia :D
Dear Ivan & Martin The name of this film is get him to the Greek. they must of been named spy's too hahaha. i hope this joke makes your day. because you make mine everyday i play your amazing games. it would be awesome to meet you's one day. and just hang and talk about how we are not in Greece lol. hope you both get out soon without any dramas. from matt
Kluci držte se!
I can't believe what has happened to you. My thoughts are with you. Hope they are treating you well. If it makes you feel any better I am definitely buying Arma 3 when it launches, and I am never going to visit Greece. What a bunch of fools. They turned what could have been great Pr for themselves and there home into a huge stupid mess. I hope your government is taking action on you behalf. To bad you guys aren't American we could get you out in no time. Send in a seal team and get ours boys.
Wish you the best and please have a safe return home
from:David Ruppel
Ivan and Martin, Keep fighting! Perseverance will set you free. With respect from a ArmA gamer in the USA. David Ruppel
from:Chris Johnson
Hey guys, this situation is extremely unfair to you guys and it shouldn't have happened. I sincerely hope that you two pull through this! You haven't done anything wrong and to be detained like this is unjustifiable. I'm rooting for you guys, and hope that this ordeal will be over soon!
Jsme s váma.
What has happend to you two is horrible, no one should have to go through this, especially not such bright and amazing people as you, keep fighting. the Greek goverment cant hold you forever, you have done nothing wrong.
from:Kevin Jordan
You guys are two dedicated individuals. You have done nothing wrong at all. Everyone across.the world supports you two men amd justice will be served.
from:Hector Gerardo Lamas Ramos
Why? Greek goverment, Im 15 year old and mexican. and I think I am more mature than you. Grow up. 01/06/2013 Free Martin & Ivan
Sorry that these greek idiots are just trying to get attention and find something other to do than fix their country. Hope you get home soon.
from:Alex Dudman
Ivan and Martin, I do not know you personally and I have never enjoyed any games you worked on. Of course, I've never TRIED most of the games you've worked on either so that's not a criticism of your or anyone else's skills. I plan to give ArmA III a shot, and hope you are free enough to hear a positive review by its release.
from:Cole Lambert
I sure hope you guys are holding up over there. It shouldn't of happened and is nothing but complete shenanigans. I`m sure the rest of Canada send the regards. Best wishes!
from:Martin, arma fan
Hope you get out of jail soon :)
I guess you know where you'll never wanna visit again. I'll keep praying for ya, have a happy new year, and get out soon.
from:Travis Quinton
Hello Ivan and Martin i feel so sorry for you they should not be doing this! keep your heads held high guys you will be out soon everyone is doing all they can and they should listen! cheerio be safe!
Hello guys, I hope and pray you are well. I cannot imagine what you are going through but want you to know that there are many people that are standing with you on this. I served many years in the US Marines and do not understand this action by Greece. I am praying for your speedily release. Your talents are missed and needed. I pray your families are well. I love the history of Greece and was leading a very large group to visit. This action has made me cancel the entire trip.
from:Miguel Brites
What happenned to you was ridiculous and shouldn't happen to anyone. Dont worry, everything will be okay, hope you guys get home soon!
from:Oliver Reischl
Hey Ivan and Martin! I just heard your story and i'm just stunned by this mindboggingly ludicrous situation. Hang in there, it won't last forever! So i hope that card puts at least a short smile on your faces. All the best from a fellow game dev from Austria!
Chernarus waits quietly
We'll protest until you're out, cuz we're right behind you!
from:Dave T
Hope you return safe and sound guys. I'm a big fan of your video game series. Its a shame this happened to you, happy new year
from:Juan Camilo Alcaraz - Alzarac
As 3d artist, architect and game developer, I´ll hope the justice shine and God let the truth be known. God bless you both and give both the strenght to resist these awfull days. A hug from Colombia!!!
Its cold here in Hungary, but I am sure it is much worse down where you are. You will be free soon, everybody is trying to help.
O hope you guys get out of jail have a safe new year from Adam201028
from:Steve Stojkovski
Dear Ivan and Martin, I am very sorry to hear about your situation and I hope for your freedom every day. Stay strong and never lose hope, there is light even in the darkest of times.
from:Texas Pete
Hey guys. I figured this travesty of justice would be over by now but here we are at the start of a new year. So.. I guess not. So I decided to dedicate some of my ample free time to spreading awareness of your situation. I don't know, maybe more people will notice and maybe then more people will ask questions, and then hopefully a few of the right people will take action. Anyway, I hope the card design cheers you chaps up. If you ever make it stateside I will certainly redeem it.
from:Mark Casey
Hey, Ivan. Hey, Martin. I thought it might be a little comforting to remember that when you are released, the Greek government will undergo a major loss of credibility. Two video-game developers falsely accused of espionage and imprisoned for actions performed publically by many without consequence? I don't think they'll ever be able to live it down. The plus to all of this? You get to say stuff like "I don't think that's a good idea. Remember Lemnos"? Or "Do you remember what happened LAST TIME we went to Greece". Maybe to shave off some time, you can make a list of phrases to say, like that. Hope you guys are seen by justice soon. Happy 2013, Mark Casey
Stay strong! We need you. You are the best developers in Czech republic. Thank you for awesome job! We are all praying for your safety!
from:Persian MO
Thank you for everything you have done for Bohemia and the community of Arma, I hope you get back soon. You are not alone.God bless you.
from:Marcel Dott
Hey Guys, hope you are okay ! Let me know when you are back at home ! Stay strong !!! Marcel From Germany !
Happy new year, we are all trying our very best to get you out of their you will soon be home to you're loving families stay strong we will never give up. Regards from the United Kingdom
from:Era Suthiel
Hey guys, we all hope you'll get out soon! It is not right what Greece do! We pray for your safety! Blessings to you and your family! Greetings from Germany!!
from:Kyle Daniels
I want to wish you the greatest luck and support with this bad time in your life! I hope that 2013 brings you all of the happiness that you need and deserve and I will do my best to help and support your release from jail!
from:Jamie Malone
My heart goes out to you two, your arrest was unjust and you do not deserve it. There are thousands of people worldwide hoping for your release and I hope it comes soon. Try to stay positive. I hope this letter reaches you.
Greeting for Russia, where people have fridges full of vodka! I am praying for you return home soon. Remember to keep cool and calm, remember that there are alot of people hoping that they will release you guys from prison.
from:Omer Kucukyildiz
Hello Ivan and Martin. Hope everything is good considering the circumstances. Here is something that can help you out - and please let me know, if you need a scissor. Best wishes,
Hope you guys will be released soon. Greetings from The Netherlands
from:Ben Barnes
Hope you guys are doing well, keep yourself going by thinking of the dlc you can make when you get out of the evil government that can't stop its country falling apart from randomly arrest people to make itself feel better.
Hey boys, I'm truly sorry about you two jailed. I hope that you will come home soon. P.S. : Don't drop the soap !
Hang tight guys. A government can not get away with such wrongdoings in this day and age. Justice will be served. Oh and by the way, Arma 3 looks rad as shit. Can't wait to get a copy.
Hey guys, I just heard about your story and I'm utterly ashamed that government actions like this occur, I wish you the best and I will do my best to spread the word regarding your situation. Love and best wishes from Iraq -Bahaa
Best wishes from Finland. Get home soon and safe.
from:Dennis Heid
Dear Mr. Martin, Dear Mr. Buchta, I am writing you from Germany, to express my support for you. I was very sad, when I heard of your arrest in Greece from a friend of mine. I wish you both strength and confidence. Stand strong and don't give up. Your fan's thoughts are with you all the time and we will wait for you, to come back soon.
from:Jacob Miller
I hope you like pugs guys. We are all praying for your safety!
from:Scott Shriver
I hope that you two were able to enjoy the new year and that this problem is resolved.
Greetings Ivan and Martin, I'm so sorry to hear about the situation that you guys are in and am telling you to not lose hope and that you're getting a lot of attention worldwide and that we're going to keep cheering and fighting for you guys until you're both safe and sound at home! Hope you're doing as well as you can and keep fighting!
from:Dylan 'mrapache101'
dear Ivan and Martin, im Dylan, from the united kingdom, im the biggest fan ever of the ArmA series, and i have every single game, from cold war assault to army of the Czech republic (my favourite DLC so far! :D) anyway, keep fighting my friends! i hope you had a great christmas and a happy new year, we hope to see you all soon, and hopefully in time to play some arma 3!
Thank you for everything you have done for Bohemia and the community of Arma, I hope you get back soon. You are not alone.
from:the bicycle-riding-bear !
Greetings from snowy russia, where bears are riding bicycles and people drink vodka all the time xD Keep cool and calm guys, all russian gamers are rooting for you, hope u get released soon
from:Benjamin Curtis
Keep up hope, my prayers go to both of you.
Hello. I'm am very sorry that you have to read this postcard. You should be home, celebrating the New Year with your families. But you are stuck in jail. I know that I will be buying ArmA 3 the first day it comes out. You put way to much into the game.
Hi guys, I really hope you're both hanging in there. I'm still trying to find some website that I can donate £10 to but that search is hard work. Just get back home safely very soon.
An ever growing community in Spain are openly supporting your case. We have not forgotten, the world has not forgotten. Justis will be made, and you will be sent free. We all hope that, that day will come soon. From our harts: "Hang in there guys. You are not alone"
Stay strong, The whole worlds gaming community is behind you.
Hi guys, Despite this surreal situation, I hope you're both doing well and remain positive in what must be incredibly tough times. We're all committed to get you back home - hopefully even before the Chinese New Year! Best wishes 新年快乐
From the guys from the Tanith 1st gaming community we wish you a safe return and some much deserved compensation. Kindest regards, Tanith 1st
Dear Ivan and Martin, Arma is an amazing series. My favorite things to do is drive around in the armory with all the vehicles and pretend to be a tank commander. I hope you are released soon to return to your friends and family. I hope something like this never happens to anyone again. Hoping you return home soon, Tyler from South Carolina, USA
Hope you have a better year for 2013 and I hope you go back home as soon as possible. Youre not forgotten!
Hello guys. I am writing to express my solidarity with you in the great injustice that was committed against your rights. I hope your stay in prison will end up real soon and you will be able to return home to your families. Take care!
from:Dominic from USA
Hey Ivan and Martin wish there was a better way to contact you through a digital postcard. Stay Strong, you have probably have the gaming world fighting for you guys. It's terrible thing to happen to you. I hope it won't be much longer. Hope you had a good new years (or as good of one as you could of had)
hi my name is ray and im a big fan of ARMA and sequel's. since i pleayed ARMA 2 i never stoped till i got tired to go to sleep (like 12:20) i will wake up go to breackfast and as fast as i could torn on my PC to play arma like maybe 6 hours in a row then a break then another 4 hours . i love your games and i just hope both of you go back home soon .
from:Gregory Zingler
From a fan, supporter, and descendant of Czech families, you have my support and I wish for your freedom as soon as possible.
from:Asger from Denmark
Denmark is behind you! All of the world shall not rest till you are out of the prison! We all back you up... It's the world vs Greece!
Don't lose the spirit guys, you'll get out of this stupid, unjust, and unreasonable mess. Our thoughts from Tijuana, Mexico -Marco Alejandro Espinosa Mendez
Good luck there. You'll be back soon; Greece won't be able to keep you in prison for long in their current financial state!
from:Dennis Greenberg
Dear Ivan and Martin, it is not fair that you have to spend Christmas in jail, I hope you'll come back home soon and true justice will be made. Merry Christmas and a happy new year, Dennis Greenberg and some friends from the CS faculty in the Bar Ilan University, Israel. if(date.day==31&&date.month;==12) { date.day=1; date.month=1; ++date.year; }
from:Renato Rados
Hello Ivan & Martin! I don´t know if you will recieve this, but if you do you have to know that people do care about you. And not just people who play your games, a lot of different people have taken action in bringing you home. I just hope that this incident can learn us a species that if we work together we can achieve so much, I will continue to fight for a better future for us all, stay strong you guys!
from:Maj Z.
Boys, what can i say, stay safe, be strong and positive and dont forget about your greatest wishes!
I am disgusted how the greek government can send innocent people to jail for taking pictures LIKE COUNTLESS tourists and gathering information that you can get with 2 clicks from google earth for a video game. Marry Christmass and a happy new year ! Stay strong
Stay strong and keep up the fight to be released! You have strong support from Bohemia's fans, the youtube community, and many more, all calling out for people to sign a petition to have you guys released! I'll be sure to spread the word of what's happened to you, stay strong! - Your fan from the Republic of Ireland
from:Christopher Herras-Antig
Hey, Martin and Ivan. I had wished to send a letter to developers of my personal favorite gaming franchise on better terms. I'm sorry that you haven't gotten the support you deserve, you both deserve much more than 20,000 signatures and countless acts of publicity! My mil sim unit of the A.C.E. mod for ArmA has already sent their signatures in and wish the best. If you can possibly get a message in reply out, please send it to my email. - From all of us at the 1st Joint Task Force [1JTF]
from:Christopher Herras-Antig
Hey, Martin and Ivan. I had wished to send a letter to developers of my personal favorite gaming franchise on better terms. I'm sorry that you haven't gotten the support you deserve, you both deserve much more than 20,000 signatures and countless acts of publicity! My mil sim unit of the A.C.E. mod for ArmA has already sent their signatures in and wish the best. If you can possibly get a message in reply out, please send it to my email. - From all of us at the 1st Joint Task Force [1JTF]
Dear Ivan and Martin keep it together and stay strong. If it's to anny comfort i will allwasy keep an eye out for games you've developed in the future. Arma 3 allready looks awsome :) When you feel down think of bad jokes :) and you can laught about how internet is bombing greece atm. and a huge hug and some cookies from me
from:Cedric Lim
Dear Ivan and Martin, I hope you come back to us. Soon at least. I am 11 years old and a huge fan of the Arma series, and I was shocked to the arrogance of Greece (and their stupidity). I wish you both a Happy New Year, and stay strong, we'll get you out of there as soon as possible.
I am a 15 year old from vancouver canada and I love arma 2 soooo much. I cant wait for arma and I think it is absolutely disgusting what the greek government is doing to you. I HOPE YOU CAN GET HOME SOON! Sincerely Noah
Hey guys, Whatever happened to you was unfair and completely shameful for Greece. I hope that you get home soon and know that the entire gaming community supports you in the coming months.
from:Matej Barla
Ahojte . . . navzájom si pomáhajte a ja dúfam, že tí rozmaznaní šmejdi grécki Vás čoskoro pustia domov . . .
from:Timothy Anderson
Greetings from Sarawak, We are all with you my friends, stay strong as always. May God bless you both to be released from there and continue your awesome work for the future games. Don't ever ever give up! Cheers my friends! :) Meryy Christmas and a Happy New Year!
from:Mikkel Blaabjerg
Happy new year! We will get you guys out, even if we have to march to the gates of hell and back!
On the plus side, just think of how much this'll be a story to talk about at some bar of your choice to friends in a little while. You'll be out soon, I'm sure of it.
from:Michal Klosowski
Hi, from Poland! I hope that those jackasses are treating you right. I hope that this postcard will get to you in one way or another. You have to be strong, to fight. People are trying to help you the best they can! Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! You will be home soon
Stay strong guys , the petition has 19414 signatures, Don't forget to make the greeks total fags in your game when you get out
We can't do it without you,good luck and hope you can get home ASAP
Happy new year! Come home soon. We're all doing our best to get you back, It's a shame we can only sign a petition and send a letter.
from:Ludvig Wikman
Stay strong you guys! I'm sure you'll be back home soon and I hope this year will be alot better for you!
Hello Martin and Ivan, best wishes from my family on the 1st day of 2013. We support you. Stay strong. Keep fighting.
Hey Ivan and Martin, Like everyone, I feel sad that this whole incident has happened and that you've had one of the most interesting Christmases out there. I hope the whole thing is resolved and that everything goes well. Stay strong and have a happy new year.
from:Angus M.
Dear Ivan and Martin, I sincerely hope the Greeks come to their senses and free you guys soon, so you can get home to see your families and friends. I send my prayers to you and your families, and wish you the best luck.
Don't worry Ivan and Martin We'll get you out soon enough! Keep strong and we'll keep fighting
hello Ivan and Martin, this is my first letter all i have to say is good luck, hope you get out soon, i bet your families are really scared and worried, good luck and have a safe return, stay strong, stay calm, don't lose hope, and always remember of everyone supporting you, good luck and safe return
All of Anonymous will hear your story, stay strong, we will stop at nothing to return you both safely to your families. happy new-year. we are anonymous we are legion we do not forgive we do not forget to the government of greece expect us...
wish u can spend the new year in ur home~ ps Greece government is fucking stupid
from:Jan Bostl (Aulipe)
Šťastný nový rok a co nejméně dnů v zajetí vám přeje věrný fanoušek Operace Flashpoint: CWC Jan Bostl.
from:Nick J. P
Hey Ivan and Martin. I know that you are in jail because for the Greece Government but have a merry christmas and a good new year!
Come home soon and safe friends.
Hi Martin, Hi Ivan, Don't worry, the attack dogs are on their way! Hope to see you back in civilisation soon ;)
Remember us!
Hey guys! Greetings from Northern Ireland. It's a shame to see that in todays world, democratic countries such as Greece fail to uphold the right of freedom that they so valiantly uphold in articles 4-25 in their constitution. I want you to know that there are thousands of people thinking about you and speaking out in order to achieve your freedom. Stay strong!
from:Darja Š.
Ahoj Martine a Ivane, posílám mnoho pozdravů, povzbuzení a síly. Doufám, že si již brzy budu moct bouchnout šampaňské na oslavu vašeho příjezdu. Držte se, objímám vás Darja
Dear Ivan and Martin, Sad we have to show our support through a letter eh. Either way I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Stay Strong.
Greetings from Australia, I hope your release is quick and stay strong, keep fond memories of your loved ones and families for you will see them soon.
Hello Martin and Ivan this is my second letter to you guys! I'd like to cheer you up with some nice picture but I didn't figure out what kind of picture you would like so I ended up with this picture of wolfs. Hopefully they set you as free as these wolfs. May the next year be the best year to you so far!
from:Tim A.
Stay strong guys!
Wish you all the best and x´ing fingers for your soon(ish) return to the civilized world! Hopefully the postcard picture reminds you of the positive sides of your work. Maybe draw a chessboard on it and battle it out between arcadia and bagango? Stay strong!
I wish you both luck and it is crap that this has happened. Everyone is looking forward to your return and I hope your family and friends are coping well. As I know from experience, it hurts when your loved one is put in similar position as you both have been. Goodluck and I wish you the best,
Dear Ivan and Martin, it is very sad that we have to contact you like this, but hey at least we can let you know that you are not alone. Your families and your fans all over the worlds are with you during these tough times. It's almost Christmas, i hope they let you have some sort of fun and don't let them scare you. Stay strong friends, you will be out in no time. Justice will be served! From freezing cold Belgrade, Serbia Miloš Vukotić
from:Clement Krizan
Good luck,Guys!
Do not lose hope
from:Chris Hill
Dear Ivan and Martin, I'm so sorry that you guys got in jail and I know that you can make it! We are all fighting for you guys to get out. It's unbelieveable how many supporters you two have!! Have a cute puppy xD I wish the best of luck, Chris Hill from USA
WE hope that you will be back home fast as possible !
from:Nkanyiso Hermy Mbambo
I am extremely terribly sorry for the unhuman ridiculousness shown by the government of greece (Note, i didn't capitalize it).I am so so so so soooo totally sorry for you and i pray that you come out as soon as possible. -Hermy
Vydržte! Vy i Vaše rodiny...
Držte se tam chlapy Doufám, že se brzo dostanete domů, my všichni s komunity army víme, že vy za nic nemůžete. S pozdravem Honza Šereda
Aj zo Slovenska držíme palce aby všetko dobre dopadlo. Dúfame, že sa čím skôr dostanete domov. Veľa trpezlivosti Vám aj Vašim rodinám. Majo
from:102. Průzkumný "ArmA II" prapor
Ahoj Ivane a Martine, všichni z našeho klanu si přejí, abyste se vrátili co nejdříve domů! Držte se! S pozdravem, 102. Průzkumný "ArmA II" prapor.
Ahoj Ivane a Martine, přeji vám co nejpříjemnější svátky jak jen to v tom nespravedlivém vězení jde. Posílám vám požehnání od mého dobrého přítele pátera Martina a cestu v české krajině jako vzpomínku na domov, pevně věřím že vás obojí dovede co nejdříve domů.
from:Robert Turčan
Prajem Vám čo najlepšie prežitie Vianočných sviatkov. Ale HLAVNE skorý návrat z "dovolenky" k Vašim milovaným. Držte sa.
Dear Ivan and Martin, I'm so sorry that you wound up in prison when on holiday, but do try to have a happy christmas, and best of luck to you in getting a fair trial. You do a good job, and there's a lot of international support for you. Regards, Maynard
from:ČSLA Studio
Ahoj Ivan & Martin! Držíme Vám palce, aby ste sa z "Gréckej dovolenky" dostali čo najskôr domov k svojim rodinám a deťom. Zdravia chalani z ČSLA Studia. P.S. PF 2013
Dear Ivan and martin, ARMA II and the expansions are my favorite games, I am only 14, from Britain, but I have played them for 2 years. Don't worry im sure that you will be released soon and good luck with ARMA III :)
Ahoj chalani, všetci z ČSLA už od začiatku sledujeme vašu situáciu a veríme že sa čo najskôr dostanete domov, aby sme si mohli ísť sadnúť "na priehradu na jedno". PS pre Ivana: Pamätáš si na čom sme sa dohodli naposledy v Brne? Že do roka a do dňa bude v teame ďalší tester/designer? ;) Držte sa! EMSI a celé ČSLA Studio
Hi Ivan and Martin, I can't believe you guys got locked up because you took a couple of photo's. Hopefully Greece comes to their senses and actually realises that they locked you up for no reason. Get back soon!
Dobré ráno, den, či večer, přeji Vám brzké propuštění a hlubokou omluvu od Řeckých úřadů. Snad Májové nepředpověděli konec světa, ale konec nespravedlností na českých vývojářích. Hlavu vzhůru, a jak říkal pan Werich „Mějte dobrou náladu. Dobrá nálada vaše problémy sice nevyřeší, ale naštve tolik lidí kolem, že stojí za to si ji užít.“
Stay strong! The ARMA community eagerly awaits your return home!
from:Alexei Guba
All the best to you guys! It's a shame your hard earned vacation turned into such a nightmare. You should be at home with your loved ones long time instead rotting in that cell for nothing. You are not forgotten and we will never forget what Greece did to you!
Ahoj kluci, doufám, že už je po konci světa a my jsme se z tohohle snu třeba probudili. A jestli ne, tak se těšte na rok 2013, bude parádní! Pustí vás z basy, zase se se všema uvidíte, budete nejslavnější herní vývojáři, vrátíte se do zase o trochu lepší firmy, společně dokončíme a vydáme Armu 3 a bude všechno zase super! Teda pokud vás byznys s tetováním nestrhl natolik, že od něj nebudete chtít utéct (kam se hrabe klikání do počítače, že jo) ;) Brzo čus!!!
from:Jack R.
I am a young programmer hi was inspired by your game to start creating my own game! Do not loose hope you truly are the strongest men we have seen. We care. Keep Fighting !!
Hi Martin and Ivan, We wish we would not have to write you this message but we want to wish you at least a Merry Merry X-MAS! All of us keep crossing our fingers for your return home soon! Keep your heads up, by the words of Churchill: "If you are going through hell - keep going!" All the best to you two! On behalf of the 4 Merry X-MAS MOFOs! Concr3te, Pisatel, Krazikilla and Stefan
Merry Christmas.. I hope that you will soon be with your families. We are with you and waiting for you..
Hello Ivan & Martin- My name is Sean and I'm from Houston, Texas. You've never met me and never will... however, I hope these words will be something that helps you through your ordeal as they are things I learned while imprisoned myself by my own stupidity. Nothing happens without reason. We may never understand the whole picture, but everything happens for a reason. Steel is forged in fire. When you are released... life will have a whole new meaning.
Dear Ivan and Martin, I wish for your quick release to end this crazy situation and get you boys home to your loved ones, you are two truly great guys from a wonderful company, and I salute all your effort in making these great games. We will never stop trying to get you out. Love from Scotland.
from:Alexandre Gilbert
Hope you guys can get out soon... In the mean time, here is some light all the way from Montreal. Keep it tight, damn will come soon!
Have a great Christmas guys, you guys are true legends to the DayZ community. Everyone is trying their best to support you and free you. Kind regards,
from:Nick Walton (UK)
Martin & Ivan, We are all thinking of you. Greece has a lot to answer for this injustice, and it's disgraceful that they keep delaying the resolution of this crazy situation. News of your imprisonment is spreading across the world, and you have massive support. You are not alone, and you are never forgotten. Be well, and stay strong.
from:Nick (IcyZinHD) Christou
My name is Nick Christou,and i'm Greek.I'm so sorry for what my country did to you.The goverment is arresting great people instead of being flattered you wanted to create our island in a game.At least i hope you get treated correctly.Be strong and have faith,we're gathering a small crowd to protest in front of the ministry of justcie for your case.I'll support you through my youtube channel as well,trying to make your case more public and gather more supporters.Once again,be strong.
wish for a swift and safe return with gods grace hopefully before the new year. your supporters from Michigan are standing behind you.
from:Matt Scott
with this letter we all hope that you get out with gods speed and back to your families and away from prison
Ivan and Martin, you should know that even people in the midlands england havent forgotton you both, I will raise a glass to you and yours and hoping that you will be returened home soon. Keep strong!.
Happy christams Martin and Ivan hope you gonna be home fast
Kluci drzte se !!!
from:Nathan Langley
Ivan and Martin, you should know that even people in Australia care about you and want to see you freed soon. Keep your heads up and don't give up. On behalf of Australia: Zůstaň silný.
from:Ahoj Roman
Těšíme se na Vás!
Most of the people doesn't know what it takes to be devoted to shaping landscapes into a remarkable piece of artwork... But we all expect that this situation becomes resolved within this month and wish you all a safe and happy return to home! Keep strong and be proud !
Martin, Ivan.. to jest kurwa farsa. mam złe zdanie o grekach, choć przecież wiem że wszędzie na świecie są ludzie dobrzy i ludzie źli. Przepraszam, nie moge pisać, pod palce pchają mi sie same wulgarne słowa... Grecy, jesteście ZERAMI :(
Martin, Ivan.. to jest kurwa farsa. mam złe zdanie o grekach, choć przecież wiem że wszędzie na świecie są ludzie dobrzy i ludzie źli. Przepraszam, nie moge pisać, pod palce pchają mi sie same wulgarne słowa... Grecy, jesteście ZERAMI :(
As the snow starts to fall, the temperatures drop, and the Xmas trees in OFP start to reveal themselves, we have not forgotten about you both. I hope your conditions have improved, and you are being treated well, especially now. Hope to see you soon!
In know how hard it is to be away from your family at this time of year. I also know that it may be hard not having any solid information. On both counts, please know that we've not forgotten about you and hope that your spirits remain high and that you can rest assured that you'll be back home in your loved one's arms soon! Hang in there!
from:Jakob Janatka
You guys created one of trhe best games i ever played, so come back soon to you familys and you friends. Jakob P.s. Don't stop fighting
Gentlemen, I was a U.S. Marine for 4 years, and traveled to Greece with my unit once. We were threatened numerous times about taking pictures, and told we would be imprisoned if we did. OBVIOUSLY, the Greek government needs to rethink it's RIDICULOUS policies, as the U.S. could at any time produce high resolution photos of ALL their facilities. They are out of control, and their rampant and unreasonable detention of civilians is absurd. You aren't the first, and the world needs to speak.
from:Broněk "Bobby" Prosecký
Ahoj Ivane, zdravíme Tě z Kralup. Myslíme na vás a doufáme, že se všechno vyřeší a že se brzo a v pořádku vrátíte domů. Kéž by to, co se stalo, byla jenom mise z nepovedeného addonu a zdi okolo vás udělané v O2. Pak by nebylo tak těžké pomoci. Pozdravuje Tě celá naše rodina a těšíme se, že se zase uvidíme. Broněk P.S. Dosud jsme byli v Řecku na dovolené několikrát, ale pro příští dovolené budeme hledat jinde.
from:Maverik Bursch
Ivan and Martin, I truly hope you are released soon, as I imagine this to be almost maddening. As you two were only trying to do your jobs as game developers. I bet there's even prison staff that have played ARMA :P All I want for you guys it to be back with your family and friends. I send you my best wishes, and hope all is well. Sincerely, Maverik
Hello guys we have not forgotten you and we will do everything possible to get u out of that hole asap. Keep hanging in there
from:Sebastian H.
Hay guys, we are with you! You are not alone! You are going to be free. I promise you. I hope you will be released as soon as possible. We are fighting for you! Stay Strong! Best wishes from Germany. Wir lassen euch nicht hängen! Sebastian H.
from:GaleR# aka. DJ HouseElectricer
hey im from germany. i hoppe you get out of prison ;)
Hang in there guys... the wheels of justice seem to turn slow for everyone... Much support here in the states.. And next time do what I do when I want a sensitive photograph...Google Earth...LOL
from:PFC OOster
Hello Ivan and Martin, I thank you guys and your team for the hours of enjoyment and even training that i and my co workers here on Suwon Air base US forces of South Korea have received. Thank you, and happy holidays. - OOster
Hope you guys get out soon and as the picture says, thanks for making us Arma and don't lose hope. You guys will make it out in no time.
from:Paul 'Scarecrow' Neil
Hey guys, i can't comprehend how stressful the situation is for you two so i'll just leave it with a simple thanks for the work so far and we hope to see you back soon in the future working on what you guys love. Thought i would do something 'original' for the image :D Greeting from Australia
Don't you worry Ivan and Martin. We all are with you and you guys would soon be with your family. Amen !
from:Jon H
Hey guys sending our wishes that you come home. How have you been? Australia says hi :D Keep your hopes up and remember it's like being in an intense ArmA campaign play through. Ignore the sweat and stock up on Mountain Dew. We'll send a Delta team out to your position ETA 12 hours. Insert is via C-130H. Cya soon guys B)
@ Bohemia pls write Credits in the game about Ivan and Martin!
from:Mathias (SixGen.com)
Hello Martin and Ivan... You are heroes... Keep a stiff upper lip! ---I wish you all the best--- Greetings from germany.
from:David Alexanderson
Your story is heard world wide hold on you two the tunnel may be long but know that all your supporters are at the end waiting right along side your family and loved ones. Hope this finds you well and better than previous days as i cant say i can relate i can say you have my support and im sure the support of every gamer and game developer in the world. peace and safe return home from all of us in America
I hope the best for each of you! My thoughts are with you and hopefully you both will be released as soon as possible!
from:Paul W.
hold on guys, you will make it home! best wishes from germany. greetings from germany. we are with you!!!
from:Mika Hannola
Hey guys, I hope you haven't been massively bored over there. I tried to get some of Ivan's favorites (you know what they are) sent to Greece but due to extreme difficulties involved they'll be waiting for your return in Brno instead. I'll light a cigar the day I hear of your release! Anyway, how have you two been? Start one prison riot for good, two for bad.
Posílám pozdrav ze zasněžené ČR. Nevzdávejte se, všichni Vám moc drží palce! Mops na fotce Vás už vyhlíží :-)
I forgot to attach the picture to the postcard. 11 years and the legacy still lives on! Props, greetings and condolences to one of the best developing teams on the planet! Papa bear, out!
Many greetings and condolences for Ivan and Martin! members of an incredible development team that created the best war simulator with the best story-line so far: ArmA: Cold War Assault (AKA Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis). You are not forgotten! remember, what you see on the horizon is not smoke; it's dust! Greetings from Tijuana, Mexico.
Dear Ivan and Martin, sometimes it's time to choose a special jailbreak-cookie. Stay strong. Greetings from Germany Sebastian
from:Andreas G.
Hello Ivan and Martin, I hope the best for each of you! My thoughts are with you and hopefully you both will be released as soon as possible! It is so dissapointing, that you are still in jail, for this huge missunderstanding! But this postcard shows you, that there are people out there caring about you. Best wishes from Germany. Ich drück euch Jungs die Daumen!! You guys will make it, I am sure about that! Greetings Andreas G.
from:Pablo Silveira
Stay strong!! The cavalry its on its way!!!! From US and Brazil.
Dear Ivan and Martin, No one deserves this. as this whole situation is just a misunderstanding. Stay strong and don't give up!
Stay strong, fellas. You're in all our thoughts, hoping to see you guys return to your homes and families real soon!
from:Teran, support from Hawaii
Stay solid guys, get back soon and make one hell of a game. There are too many people making noise for this to not get sorted out.
Vydržte, nejste sami!
Ivan & Martin, Can't imagine how tough it is out there for you guys, stay strong and know that one day soon you'll be reunited with friends and family! Our thoughts and hopes are with you!
Dear Ivan and Martin.How many nights now did i think of you guys and imagine what hell it must be to have no freedom to go where you belong to, your home.I pray rarely.But you 2 guys gave me a reason to do it again..I try to send you as much energy as i can.Justice will be made and you will go back home to your family.And besides that, rest assured that i will buy your next game guys..the arma 3 demos were amazing! Do some submarine stuff please! Warm greetings and Energy from Switzerland!!
from:Glenn, Rory, Exodus, Wesleybot, craig.christ, Rainbow
If you can make my only favorite video game, you can make it through this. Just keep praying and staying strong, don't let Greece get the best of you. -[UNI] Clan
Glad to hear things are bearable, we're all pulling for you, all over the world. Keep staying strong brothers.
Čautě :) Tak v pondělí sme si za vás stoupli v Prahe, Trpa se zase vyslíkl a vtrhl na ministerstvo :) ukážu fotky:) Pořád vám posíláme pozitivní energii a doufáme, že už se vrátíte, mapaři nějak zvlčili poslední dobou :) Ještě najdite nějaké ty zásoby energie a držte se, chlapáci!!! Redstone
Hi Martin, Hi Ivan, I wish you the best of luck, stay strong, and we're thinking about you. Yoni - A player from Israel
Hallo Ivan und Martin, ich habe durch Zufall von uerem Leid erfahren und drücke euch von Deutschland aus die Daumen, dass das alles noch ein zügiges und gutes Ende nimmt. Lasst den Kopf nicht hängen. Sogar eure Regierung unterstützt euch. PS: So schlecht kann es den Griechen nicht gehen wenn sie zwei unschuldige Männer hinter Gittern bringen kann. Oder die Regierung von Griechenland möchte Lösegeld für euch erzielen. Denkbar ist beides... Beste Grüße Marco
Hallo Ivan und Martin, ich habe durch Zufall von uerem Leid erfahren und drücke euch von Deutschland aus die Daumen, dass das alles noch ein zügiges und gutes Ende nimmt. Lasst den Kopf nicht hängen. Sogar eure Regierung unterstützt euch. PS: So schlecht kann es den Griechen nicht gehen wenn sie zwei unschuldige Männer hinter Gittern bringen kann. Oder die Regierung von Griechenland möchte Lösegeld für euch erzielen. Denkbar ist beides... Beste Grüße Marco
Watch out in the showers !!!
from:Jakub Mocker
Zdravím kluci, hlavně tebe Ivane. Ještě než šla do médií jména vás dvou, tušil jsem že to budeš ty, kdo vlezl do tohohle maléru.. Každopádně na vás myslím každý den a pozorně sleduji celou kauzu. Držte se, konečně se mezi politiky začlo něco dít, určitě to každou chvílí skončí! Přeji hlavně brzký návrat domů! Jakub Mocker PS: Až budeš u rodičů v Ústí (a věřím že to bude brzy), dej vědět, bydlím na Střekově na Kameňáku v paneláku naproti škole ;-)
cher Ivan et martin je vous écrit pour vous montrer notre soutien de toute la communauté ARMA. Courage a vous deux on penses a vous.
from:Rachel- love from England
We will not stop pressuring those responsible for your incarceration until you are free. The world is watching. Keep safe.
Don't worry, we'll fix it.
from:Concerned Gamer
I hope that you get due process and swift justice! Stay strong and God bless you!
from:Roman Firsov
Dear Ivan and Martin, Hello to you from Russia! I hope you are well and staying strong. My friends and I are playing ARMA and DayZ and we want to thank you for your contribution. I can't imagine how hard this situation is for you, but we all hope that it will all be over soon. We are here for you and we await your return. Stay strong, we all remember you and wish you luck. Best wishes, Roman P.S. Sorry for my language
Hey guys, I would personally like to say and from the team at CarHunt, we hope you guys get out soon and back to your familys! Hodně lásky, Max
from:Nicholas Navarro
Hey guys, just heard about this case thanks to a you-tuber (Cynical Brit AKA Total Biscuit) and I wish the best for you. I hope this funny picture cheers you up abit :) Best Regards
Keep on being optimistic guys. Hopefully you will be released from Greece soon and able to see your family again. Best of luck from the UK Jack P.S. Hope you like the picture. I thought i landed the chopper pretty well. :P
Vydržte to kluci.Jsme při Vás.
Ahoj kluci, moc moc na Vás myslíme a podporujeme všechny aktivity, které tu pro Vás běží. Těšíme se až se vrátíte a určitě, jak se teď usiluje o Vaše propuštění, tak brzy budeme ještě více slavit a vítat Vás tady. Jsme s Vámi..každou chvíli! Darja a David PS: Kluci...posílám Vám pro pobavení Dejva, jak si pro Vás už jede na obří housence :)) pšššššt :)
from:Olga, Pavel, David a Pavel ml. Heřmannoví
Ahoj kluci, moc vám všichni držíme pěsti a pevně věřím, že naše vláda pořádně hejbne zadkem a do vánoc budete doma. Mám vyřídit pozdravy od mých synů, kteří hraji vaše hry. Držte se. Nebojte pevně věřím že se za pár dnů zmažete českým pivem. :DD
from:Radek Grulich
Kluci stojíme za Vámi a myslíme na vás, tak to tam vydržte. Budeme za vás bojovat co nám síly budou stačit!
Hang in there guys! We all support you! Never give up hope!
from:Zdeněk Zeman
Ahoj kluci. Drzim Vam obema palce a doufam ze za chvili budete doma a tahle nesmyslna absurdita uz skonci.
Free Martin Pezlar and Ivan Buchta!!!
from:Adam Sutter
Hey Ivan and Martin, I am very sorry for your situation and would do everything in my power for you guys if I could help. It's unfortunate that you two fell into this situation, I hope you stay strong and positive and hope that you are released as soon as possible. Your hardships will not be forgotten. -Adam Sutter
from:Phil Austin (avid ARMA series fan)
Hold on guys! The entire community is going to get you out! Stay strong lads and never give up!
from:Tess Butler
Dear Ivan & Martin, This postcard comes with a world of positivity and hope. Ivan you already have the most beautiful girls to think of and another on the way. Martin you have all the beautiful Gamer Geek girls with your picture as their screensaver! You are thought of every day by people you don't even know. Let their spirits lift yours. Love & pixels, Tess & Jazzy Butler :)
from:Radim Suk
Všichni obyvatelé Starého Soboru Vám drží palce!
Ivane a Martine, přeji Vám co nejrychlejší vyřešení této absurdity a co nejdřívější návrat domů. Pokaždé když si přečtu nějakou další zprávu o Vašem věznění, tak se naseru že tam furt trčíte. Tak přeju brzké propuštění také z čistě sobeckých důvodů - jinak asi dostanu za chvíli infarkt! P.S. : Ačkoliv se neznáme, mám Vám vyřídit pozdravy i od mojí přítelkyně. :)) Karel "Tlumex" Picka
We are with you! We want you back!
Hope you get the freedom you deserve! Good Luck!
from:Sakari "Sakinz" Hietaranta
Hey Ivan and Martin! How is it going there? I hope you are doing well. I sent a message to president of Finland, which told the situation and asked for help to resolve this situation. He has not reply yet, but i will inform Jerry Hopper if I get any. I wish that you get out of there soon! Best regards, Sakari "Sakinz" Hietaranta from Finland on behalf of LDD Kyllikki.
Maxell, jakypak ze nezasmejes, jsi zapomnel jak jsem vtipna nebo co? . A nezapomen cvicit, at toho vic vydrzis (pit) :-) Mozna budes konecne silnejsi nez ja a uz si nedovolim ti prat zadny telefony :-) Mej se v ramci moznosti, myslime na tebe a drzime pesti, dobre to dopadne. A kdyz ne, tak se neboj, videla jsem 2x vsechny dily Prison break :-) Posilam pusu a drz se! PS: Doufam, ze neprijdes o humor, zlato! :) see you soon, I believe!!!
Very frustrating situation for you guys. It makes my blood boil, but the best thing to do is hunker down and work on getting out of there as quickly as possible! Looking forward to hearing some good news! Good luck from Australia!
Chins up fellas, and don't loose hope. This is a travesty and can't go on for much longer. Keep well guys.
from:Artyom Mosolov
I hope you will get out of the prison and you must believe in this too!
Ahoj Ivane. Nějak jsem vzpomínal, jak dlouho se vlastně známe a co jsme zažili. Tak třeba... Vzpomínáš, jak jsi Kláře snědl to ovocné mýdlo v domnění, že je to sýr? Nebo jak jsi nám na medvídkovi předváděl, co všechno ti v nemocnici dělali? Případně jak jste se tuším s Dášou zamkli na Bohemiaconu na pokoji, nechtěli tam nikoho pustit a ráno jsi vypadal jako ošklivé vejce, protože ti v opilosti holila hlavu? Držte se!
Hold on guys, it will be over really soon. This fng strike is going to be eventually over this week, and there are just severel days between you and your home, this time for real. We are all preying for you and really missing you. Good luck and let the strength be with you) You are very much awaited over here!
from:Mike Campbell
73 Days and counting... This is a disgrace to Greece and it's politicians. I hope Bohemia Interactive is doing the absolute best they can to get you guys out. I still can't believe that something like this can go on for so long, with no proof of their accusations except for 7 out of about 200 photos that have "military equipment" in the background. This needs to be made a lot more public...Again, best of luck and I'm sure everyone that catches wind of this story will be 100% on your side.
Dear Ivan and Martin! I feel a huge need to help out in any way I can. I'll try my best to rally up as much support as possible here in Norway, and maybe stage a demonstration. We will get you out of there, just hang tight!
Hang in there, good always conquers bad at the end!!
from:Robert from the United States
Fellows, This is absurd. Please take solace in the fact whole world is watching and everyone knows you guys are innocent. People are doing everything they can for you and your plight is not forgotten. Try to keep your whits about you, and do not get depressed, for justice will triumph in the end.
from:Kasper Nøhr
Dear Martin and Ivan, Hang in over there, we have gathered a huge amount of people who are now supporting you. We've E-mailed the EU and signed a petition. A Demonstration has been announced in Prauge, Monday the 26th of November. Hang in there and never gibe up hope. We are supporting you guys all the way, minute for munute. Promise me that you'll keep up the spirit and trust us, after all, we ARE from the internet! Salute, Kasper Nøhr Denmark
People from all over the world should know about you're plight BRO'S we will always be there.
from:Luke H
Hope you come back soon the charges are crazy they're overreacting
from:Harri "Hawkins" Huusko
I have been playing Arma and its successors since they came out and before that, I played the original OFP series for several years; doing mods, missions and campaigns for it. It breaks my heart to see the news postings about the injustice you received in Greece. This should not be happening in Europe. My thoughts are with you Martin and Ivan. All the best to you!
from:Kieran Angus
Dear Ivan and Martin hang in there :) The whole thing is damn stupid and i am positive people will realize this and you will be out in no time. rest assured i will try and and make sure every one i know in scotland will support you as well.
I'm very sorry about this whole thing. Please stay well and don't lose your hope. What Greece is doing is ridiculous and I'm certain that you will be set free.
Dont worry the amount of people who are annoyed about this is amazing the EU will have to act soon sit tight and think of the bastards being grilled!
Ivan, Martin you guys have to hold out, no matter how much time it takes, as long as you have hope everything is possible !
from:Alex "Soul_Assassin" Vorobiev
Hey Ivan, I can't even begin to imagine how tough it is for you guys. Wanted to wish you both all the strength you need to get through this horrible ordeal. Me and the whole Red Hammer Studios send you greetings and hopes that this gets resolved soon!
from:Dáša Buchtová
Ahoj Ivane a taky Martine. Držím vám oběma palce a věřím, že se brzy vše vysvětlí. Ivane, nevěřila bych, že se tobě, takovému slušňákovi, může něco takového stát! Musíte být silní a nějak to tam vydržet, určitě vás z toho dostanou a brzy se vrátíte domů. Pak zajdem na pivko ;) Dáša Buchtová pozdravuje a taky drží palce Soňa, Lukin, Luboš, Lucka a další kamarádi
from:Commander Balls
Stick together and hang in there boys! Best regards from Sweden.
from:Julian "Mondkalb" Saenger
Aloha Martin, Aloha Ivan! There is not much I can do but to reassure you that everyone is working hard and pushing all buttons to clear this up. In the meantime I send you both a Sudoku puzzle each, hoping they will help you keep sane in this misery. Think of your friends and families at home, let your magnificent imagination continue to brighten your day as much as possible. It will make this situation less painful. Your friend, Julian
from:Vladimír Brynda
Kluci, hodně štěstí a držte se :) Stojí tu za Váma spousta lidí a určitě se vše brzy vyřeší. Tak hodně štěstí a pevné nervy.
from:Diego Salazar
Hello! I read about the whole affair and I support you guys, I hope you get back to your country soon! It is very fucking stupid to charge you for espionage, we all know you are completely innocent. It must be extremely boring to stay in a cell for so much time, we all hope you are let out very soon! Like in the picture, Leave no man behind!
Rusko podporuje bis pro vzrušující projektu . Drž se dál . . . .
Rusko podporuje bis pro vzrušující projektu . Drž se dál . . . .
Zdravím kluky, hlavně Ivana. Míra z Ústí. Vydržte! Váš případ začíná mít velkou publicitu, snad to pomůže, abyste byli co nejdřív doma. Palce drží i moji rodiče. Otec se tak dožral, že hodlal jet do Prahy házet řecké víno do oken jejich ambasády, pouze noční hodina a máma tomu zabránily.
from:Pavel Meddy Medek
Zdar chlapci, myslíme na vás každý den, snažíme se ze všech sil, aby ten nesmysl co nejdříve skončil. Vím, že je to zatraceně těžké, ale držte se kluci, my vás ven dostaneme co nejdříve!
from:Kuba Kovář, Karolína Růžová, všichni z CravataConu
Ahoj Ivane a Martine, všichni držíme palce, ať hlavně všechno dobře dopadne a jste co nejrychleji doma! Myslíme na vás a snažíme se pomoct, jak jen to jde, hlavně informujeme ostatní a dáváme podepisovat petice. Držte se.
from:Boden Matthews
Stay strong, we're behind you all the way!
from:Xavier Peypoch Clavé
The world is with you, if we can't topple them like this, we'll topple them economically, this is an injustice and we shall fight for you! Stay strong Gentlemen, we'll get you home.
from:Joseph P.
Hope you get out soon, here's something to hold you guys over in the mean time.
All Else Fails We'll send one of these to come get you :)
from:The Swede
Never stop fighting the good fight. Hang in there, and god bless you. This is a picture I took when I was in Hervey Bay, Australia. It always keeps me pushing on when Im feeling a bit low.
from:Renos Blondie
I hope there will be a happy end in this strange and sad story guys, and somehow make fun of it with your friends and family in the future. I 'm trully sorry and ashamed about what is happening because I am Greek and the Greek Authorities cause problems like this all the time. Courage and Strengh!
Valašsko stojí při vás držte se! Každý dělá co se dá, nenecháme vás v tom!
Kluci myslím na vás a držím vám palce ať se vrátíte co nejdříve domů, snad si v současné době Google maps a detailních fotek míst celého světa řecká justice uvědomí tupost svého obvinění v co nejkratší době. S pozdravem Jiří K.
from:Michal Sedlák
Moc vám džím palce, určitě se z těch sra*** dostanete!! ČR to takhle určitě nenechá a pošlou vám tam pomoc... Posílám pozdravy a kdybych mohl tak tam přiletím jako rambo a vysvobodím vás !
Kluci držte se a buďte silní. Psala jsem prezidentovi, premiérovi a europoslancům a je nás mnoho. Podporujeme vás a snažíme se ze všech sil dostat vás, co nejdříve ven. Jsme stále s vámi.
from:Aleksey Knyazev
Good luck, and thanks for a great game! by Russia
from:Thomas Schwarz
Dear Mr Pezlar, Dear Mr Buchta, Keep up the spirit in hard times. We are with you and will not rest until you are free. Today i asked my EU representive about your case. Many others will do so, too. With Best Regards Thomas Schwarz
from:Daniel Eriksson
My best regards to you both, i hope the trial will be just and swift so that you may come home soon! P.S. We all want you guys to do what you do best :). Make kickass games!
From spain whit love. Encourage you guys happen soon. Animo chicos.pasara pronto.
from:Luke Gaines
This picture shows how I fell about this whole affair.
i really hope u guys get free soon, we are always thinking in you guys, thanks from everything grettings from Chile =) gamers, always together
Free the devs! Devs arent spies!!
from:Jaroslav Smrčka
Ahoj kluci, velice mě mrzí, jak se Vaše situace vyvíjí a už ani já jsem to nemohl nechat bez odezvy a napsal našemu Europoslanci. Doufám, že se situace brzo kladně vyřeší a uvidíte svoje blízké. Držím palce Jaroslav Smčka Jihlava
from:Marek Tran Viet
Zdravím pánové! Možná si mě nepamatujete (pane Buchto), už utekly hektolitry vody, kdy jsme s kolegy natočili na GamesComu rozhovor o Armě 3. Byť už jeden z hochů posílal za redakci jednu pohlednici, současná situace mě nenechává v klidu. Abych byl upřímný, celkem mě děsí, jak ona malá nepříjemnost vyrostla do problému enormních rozměrů. Celá česká herní scéna je s vámi! . Držíme vám tu všichni palce, ať se oba dostanete co nejrychleji domů! Aspoň do Vánoc...
Dear Martin and Ivan, i hope you are well, after over 6 weeks in prison. Many of people from CZ are working hard to get you out of there. I hope you will get in near weeks back to country. Me and my friends are big fans of ARMA and games from Bohemia Interactive. On behalf of me, my friends and my family we wish you good luck. Czech YouTube Let's Player Oliks....
Zdar kluci, držím vám palce ať se z toho průseru co nejdříve dostanete. Každý dělá co může aby jste byli zpátky co nejdříve. Uvažujeme opravdu o všech možnostech. Osobně vaše veznění považuji za prachsprostou, ubohou a nízkou mstu odrážející charakter těch co si ji objednali a provedli. Vzniklo tu několik stránek na vaši podporu, dvě petice, stránky na facebooku, vše vždy v češtině a ekvivalent v angličtině. Já vím slabá útěcha ale věřte nám, nenecháme vás v tom.
Nazdar Maxíku a Ivane, tady Vespík! Jsem s váma v myšlenkách neustále, stejně jako všichni ostatní tady. Chybíte tady pracovně i jako kamarádi - Maxíku, "obědáři" totálně zlenivěli a jezdí trolejbusem do Tinta. Ani Žigy už nechodí. A bez tebe Ivane jsou ty rána takový šedý a bez šťávy. Aspoň jsem si vzal do hlídání tvou AR, a každý večer poctivě leštím hlaveň! Určitě jste slyšeli že máme nové vedení atd. Je mi jasné že tyhle "problémy" jsou naprosto směšné a z jinýho vesmíru, ale doufám že ty vaše stávající za ně brzo vyměníte a budeme se zase do krve hádat o odstíny hnědé, a jestli jedničku nebo trojku. Poslední "obrat", jakkoliv je hrozný, tady vyvolal pořádný poprask a my nemáme v plánu to nechat vyšumět. Jste zavření už hrozně dlouho, ale jsem si jistý že vaše propuštění je jen otázka času. Tahle situace nemůže trvat navěky, a (radši dřív než později) se zase vrátíte mezi svoje. Zdraví Vespa!
from:Viliam Šipoš
Držte sa chlapi ! Táto banalita sa čoskoro vyrieši, a budete doma. Mnoho zdaru !
Ahoj hoši, vydržte tu nespravedlnost, která se děje nejen na Vás, ale na všech, kteří v ní věří. Moc Vám držím palce a doufám, že se brzy vše vyjasní a budete doma u svých rodin. Připravujeme veřejný protest a uděláme cokoliv bude třeba udělat abyste byli opět svobodní!!! Tomas91
Do not afraid . All gonna be okay!
from:Jan "Darrian" Podlipský
Ahoj kluci. Jsem velký fanda Army. Koukejte to tam vydržet. Všichni na vás spoléháme a rozhodně vás v tom nenecháme!
Nervy z ocele, a především brzký návrat domů přeje Krakenus, Krysa, Orel a Teddy ze Špeciálního ProtiEmzáckýho komanda. Držte se!
We won't give you up!
from:Martin Řezníček
Držím oboum palce a doufám , že toto velké nedorozumění bude co nejdřive vyřešeno .
Hello Martin and Ivan I hope they release you soon! All the best wishes!
from:Nilla Deaff
Hey guys. I'm a big fan of ARMA II and it depresses me that foreign countries feel the need to falsely accuse you for continuing your work even though you are on a vacation. Down here in Texas, we're giving you our prayers, hopes, and you'll get a lasso to save you soon enough. Stay strong.
from:Jan Rabušic
Moc držím palce, a doufám že se odtamtud brzy dostanete. Nevzdávejte to, naděje umírá poslední :) .
from:Erik Arnstedt
I don't know what to write about, but i can show you by this postcard. Just hold out! Several of those people i know i personal can't stop talking about you guys. Everyday that pass i'm watching Twitter, facebook & helpivanmartin.org. I spread the words about you're right to be free to those people i worship and admire. They do agree with me, but though these men and women i spread the word to, they feel as powerless as me. Erik Gustaf Arnstedt Malmen Flygflottilj JAS 39 Gripen Pilot.
Ivan and Martin, Wishing you the very best in what must be a terrible situation. I hope that you will both be back with your family soon. Everybody in the Armaverse is thinking of you and you are not forgotten. Justice Will Prevail.
Hoši! Vydržte tam! Jdeme pro Vás, počítejte cca. kolem Vánoc. Bude to rychlá akce, připravte si kartáčky a hlavně se držte trochu dál od mříží, protože to bude šlupa. Ty pitomci tomu určitě neuvěřej jestli tohle vůbec budou číst. Takže počítejte nějak toho 22. prosince, ať jste pod stromečkem doma. Čekáme jen na rozkaz od Schwarzena. Vaše 601. skss :)
from:Louis Mathis (RastaChips)
All French player support you , Be Brave and strong men !
Hi guys. I hope you don't give up hope as this issue has gotten so much publicity that going futher with it would be a total PR disaster for Greece. As a father myself I feel bad 'cos I know how it must feel being separated from family. Still ,all the best from Finland! We are a legion now.
Kluci držte se. Dřív nebo pozdějc se ukáže co a jak a dostanete se ven, zpátky ke svejm nejbližším. Jenom se mezitim nenechte moc zdeptat. Tady v ČR se mezitim organizuje mohutnej tlak na všechny zainteresovaný subjekty, kterej dokonce přesahuje naše hranice. Už se o Vás mluví i v zahraničí, už o Vás vědí i moji rodiče (a že jsou jinak dost mimo) a spousta lidí, který s hrama nemaj nic společnýho. Vydrže, jsme s Váma a bojujem.
from:Chris Green, UK
I understand what you are going through, but you must have hope and let your inner strength guide you through the bad and good times. Your position is completely unjustified and I hope you will be free. You are not criminals, nor spies. I wish you all the best and hope that the Greek government will come to a rational decision to end this madness. Take care, you have thousands with you. Chris
from:Darth Guybrush
Stay strong! Your family, friends and fans are 100% behind you!
from:The Prone Guy
Get outta jail soon guys! Need ArmA 3!
Hi Ivan, Martin, I just wanted to let you know we think about you and hope you'll be back home soon. Take care.
Dear Martin Pezlar and Ivan Buchta, Our community at Freedom4Gamers wishes for your release and well-being. We are deeply outraged by Greece's misunderstanding in this case and hope they will see the truth soon and release you. Hope all the best, -GreenPepper Executive Producer at Freedom4Gamers
It pains me to see fellow game designers in such a horribly unjust situation. I will follow this situation and do all I can until you are free men again. Hang in there, and know there are countless supporters here doing all we can to free you.
from:Jack W.
Dear Ivan and Martin, Please know that you have support from all over the world. We will not stop fighting for your freedom. Never lose hope.
from:Antoine Havard
I'm supporting you guys ! Keep hope, i really think you won't be condemned, you already spent too much time in jail, and who can really think you were spying ?! Hope you'll be back to your homes and families soon ! From a french fan of Arma and DayZ !
I wish you courage, we support you both! I really hope that Greece will very quickly realize that their abuse ..... Good luck to you! TOTH Zoltan
Courage,on ne vous oubli pas,la veritée est toujours plus forte. Courage, we do not forget,
from:Simon remis
Good Lucks guys Simon Remis
from:Jennik Pražák
Ahoj Ivane, myslím na tebe často a vzpomínám na časy strávené nad Lizardií, která to vlastně všecko začala. Posílám pozdrav od Lucie i dětí a přejeme tobě i Martinovi aby ti řečtí ošklivé nepěkná věc dostali konečně aspoň zárodek rozumu a mohli jste se vrátit domů k rodinám. Doufám, že si jednou budeme moci sednou k pivu a zas po čase pokecat. S pozdravem Honza Jennik Pražák
from:Luke Fisher
As The World Turns And Your Stomach Churns, Picture Your Perfect Reality. And Wish It To Be So. Much Love From Australia.
I can only say again and again: Holding out ! Freedom will come soon !! I hope the many postcards are a little distraction of the current Situation.
from:Benjamin "Bejmo" Wright
Hi guys hope you are well and being treated with respect. Im not going to weigh in on the whole matter you guys know it better than anyone ;). I just wanted you both to know that one more Australian is thinking of you and wishing you the best of luck to get home soon to your families. Chin up guys it cant last forever. PS isn't she beautifull ;)
from:Isaac Gendler
Hello Martin and Ivan, This is Isaac Gendler, and greetings from the U.S.A!!! I hope you guys can come back home to the Česká republika. I personally think that Bohemia interactive makes the BEST military simulators on the Planet. Over here in the states we are cheering for you to come home :). If you wish to contact me, then you can reach me at [email protected]. I hope you guys can come home soon.
Fear is a fabrication of the mind when doubt decides to stay around more then it's welcomed... Don't doubt your chances... you are both smart guys with creative minds and it would be a shame to lose you to fear... Keep a balanced state of mind.... there is no black or white... only gray I wish you the best!
Hold On
from:Artyom and Pavel
Hope that all bad things will end soon. We wish to see you guys in one of Prague pub soon! Beer is in the fridge! P.S. Ivan your "gorka" waiting you too. Your Russian friends.
Hey guys, we're standing by you and doing everything we can to help you and keep your spirits up. Stay strong, guys! Every day passing by gets you one step closer to home!
Get home soon and finish up Arma 3! Hope the best for you both, and your families.
from:SGT. Armstrong
from:Pavel Pirochta
Nazdar chlapi, preju vam hodne sil at to tam jeste chvili vydrzite, uz to nebude dlouho trvat a pujdete domu. Tim, ze Recko zavedlo "stavkovani" mezi sve narodni sporty, si udelalo nepeknou nalepku mezi ostatnimi staty. Uz brzy na to doplati a vy budete zase zpatky soucasti nasich zivotu..! Martine, nejen ze se nemuzu dockat az se vsichni spolecne zase sejdeme !!, ale taky Te chci hlavne seznamit s nekym, kdo mi kompletne zmenil zivot a koho by jsi urcite mel znat.. !!! Tesime se na Tebe! Pavel
Dear Ivan and Martin, Hold on and try to keep up your spirits. Hello from Russia with love.
I wish you guys a quick return to the house. I hope that the case will be resolved quickly of course in your favor. All the best and would not you stretched the time.
Všechno nejlepšejší ke svátečku Dinosaurku :-* :-* :-* Miluji Tě. Tvoje Džejnýska :-* Brzo spolu!!!!!!
Hope both of u going home soon.
from:Daniel Novák
I don´t understand how this situation can take place in a country, which is a member of EU and NATO. I will NEVER go to Greece for vacation, because I don´t want to risk being held in a custody for several months (years?) for some photos. I hope (and everybody here in the Czech Republic does) this bizarre situation will end as soon as possible and you two will be home before Christmas. Hold on!
from:Daniel Novák
I don´t understand how this situation can take place in a country, which is a member of EU and NATO. I will NEVER go to Greece for vacation, because I don´t want to risk being held in a custody for several months (years?) for some photos. I hope (and everybody here in the Czech Republic does) this bizarre situation will end as soon as possible and you two will be home before Christmas. Hold on!
from:Michal Kovanda
Hi guys, I can not believe you're still in jail. I hope that you get the home as soon as possible. Fingers crossed!
Dinoušku,k tvému dnešnímu svátku ti přeji hlavně to zdravíčko a lásku s tou mojí Džejnýs :) Ať už jsi doma,imaginární Marťa mi nestačí :( Věřím,že už brzy tak bude :-* Králka
from:Iveta Pezlarová
Ahoj Marťo, k svátku všechno nej....přejeme si mít Tě doma, chybíš nám a nic není jak bylo !!! Doufáme, že se všechno brzy změní a budeme zase všichni spolu mít hezké dny, tak jako dřív. Máme tě rádi!!! Mamka, Táťka a Ivo
from:FWW2 Mod
"Martin and Ivan, you know the whole community is standing by you hoping that you're soon free.. ..To read all the latest whines about bugs and missing/wrong features.. ;) Hang tough! -FWW2 Mod"
from:Martin Novák
Zdravím chlapy, doufám že se brzy dostanete domů a nejpozději na svátky! Jinak si tam dolů pro vás dojdeme. :) Každopádně hlavu vzhůru a pevný nervy, zdraví a především nedejte se! Doma na vás všici myslí a drží vám palce. Kluci z GAMES.CZ vám taky drží palce a doufají až se vrátíte, že se ukážete taky v jejich podcastu. :) A tady máte něco na povzbuzení.
from:[ASO] Farandir
Dear Ivan and Martin, it is incredible what is happening to you but we admire your strength and resolution in getting through this. We've been part of the community since 2001 and continue to be impressed about the fantastic and creative things the fans of your games come up with. This is because of the dedication of you and your team! Keep it up! ASO-Squad, Germany
Sooon you guys will be amongst friends.
You have the communities support, Keep strong guys! you did nothing wrong. The truth will prevail.
Hi guys, Hope you both are in good health. We all are hoping to have you back among us soon. Waiting eagerly for you to comeback to your families in full health and we have a game to release! :) Take Care. Regards, Kanishk (sky770 / jarhead9 / Jarrod)
Chlapi, držím s vámi a vím, že se to určitě nějak vyřeší! Zůstaňte silní!! Z pozdravem z České Lípy David Truhlář
Posílám pozdrav z vlasti. Doufám,že přijede se zdravou myslí a abyste se zpět dostali co nejdřív.Co jsem viděl ve zprávách, tak názor některých politiků na věc(zvláště Schwarzenberga) byl opravdu k pláči.Hovoří a ani neví o čem a lidé si pak udělají špatný názor. Doufám že si v čechách užijete Vánoce
from:Idar Andre Kvalvik
Hello Martin & Ivan. I hope you soon will get free from jail ! I love ARMA II im really glad that you tok your time to make it. I love the day z mode and i cant wait for you guys to get out of jail :) I hope the best for you guys. Sincerly Idar
Ahoj Martine a Ivane, posílám vám anděla naděje ať je vám nápomocen a brzy se opět setkáte se svou rodinou a přáteli. Vydržte a věřte...
Happy Birthday Martin !
Dinoušku,myslíme na tebe a věříme,že budeš brzy doma ;) Těším se až spolu zapijeme naše narozeniny,až budeš se mnou házet zase na parketu :P Králka :-*
Jeste jednou vsechno nejlepsi k narozkam, Marto! Kdybys videl jaky ti tady na strankach udelali video k narozeninam! Pockej az to uvidis! Jestli si chtel byt slavnej, tak ted se ti to fakt povedlo! Verim, ze budes brzo doma a panaka na oslavu si dame az se uvidime! May the force be with you!
from:Jana Mrhačová
Miluji tě!
Dinoušku,krásný narozeniny přeju!!!Drž se!!!Brzo ve Zbéšově;-)Jančina Králka:-*
from:Jana Mrhačová
Dnes máš 28 narozeniny.Měli jsme být spolu jen ty a já a místo toho píši tohle!věřím že si brzo uvědomí že jste normální chlapáci a nee špioni a pustí vás domu!Chci ti říct že pro mě hrozně moc znamenáš a jak tě moc miluji a že tu na tebe čekám :-* Věřím že budeme brzo spolu!opatruj se mi dinosaure.Vím že jsi silná osobnost a zvládneš to! Všechno nejlepší k narozeninám Martinku :-* Miluji tě!!Brzo spolu.drž se :-* :-*
from:Nikola Suchánková
je hodne prani ktery jsi te nasi krasce splnil, ale jeste hodne jich splnit musis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!tak na to mysli.........
from:Vladimír "Rav" Ryšánek
'Hoj bejci, držím palce, ať už ty nefachčenka začnou konečně chodit do práce a pustí Vás rovnou domů. Kdyby Řecko dostalo poslední část půjčky, vše by teď bylo jinak. A proč Řecko nezískalo poslední část půjčky od Evropské unie a Mezinárodního měnového fondu? Protože v Řecku nemá nikdo tak dlouhou pracovní dobu, aby stihl vyplnit potřebnou žádost. Marťo! už se těším až sednem zas na pivko, chybíš nám tu!!! A abych nezapomněl, všechno nejlepší k narozeninám!!! Teším se na party! Vláďa
Kluci nevzdávejte to.To musíte dát.Hlavně at jste na vánoce už doma.
from:Tomáš Novák
Držím palce a vrať te se domů! My vás tu potřebujem. Vaše země ČR.
from:Adam Štědrý
čau chlapi, asi nikdo z nás si nedokáže představit jaký to je bejt ve vaší situaci. Hajzlové co si mříže zasloužej volne běhaj a kluci jako vy se dostanou do takovýho srabu za nic. určitě víte, že je Vaše situace u nás velmi známá, každý z hráců stojí za Vámi. Přeji Vám ať Vás síla provází a ať Vás co nevidět pustej. GL!
Ahoj Martine všechno nejlepší k narozeninám
from:Ladislav Běloušek
Chlapci, přejí vám brzký návrat. doufám že na totu část vašich životů zapomenete. Řekové jsou jenom komplexů plné postavičky zloby.
from:Iveta Pezlarová
Všechno nejlepší k dnešním narozeninám!!!! Hlavně štěstí toho je te´d třeba nejvíc, zdraví a silný nervy a výdrž!! Umačkáme si tě až osobně!! a to všichni!!! Pozdravuje tě celá rodina, spouta známých a přejí ti jen to dobrý a brzký návrat!! tak se měj hezky !! Za všechny mamka!!!
hey martin and Ivan! hope the judges realize that you are a game developer and not spies, it's all about a game "ARMA3" we have a gaming clan in Sweden and then a year now we have been playing almost every day ARMA2 and it is the best game ever have been made. You have our full support, and we hope you will soon be able to go home to your families. Swedish online group (SOG) Dick Salmi (Alias) Dixi http://voice.no-ip.net/
Hi Martin and Ivan, Stay strong and know that though the wheels in Greece may turn slowly, things will work out! I don't want to alarm you, but the zombie apocalypse is real and is happening right now, so you might want to be careful when released.
Držím vám palce , ať jste co nejdříve doma ! Hodně štěstí :)
Držím palce.
Držím pěsti, chlapi..
from:Luke Brown
I am a large fan of the ArmA series and when I heard about this I was shocked. I hope you guys are released soon. Stay safe.
from:Nicolai Schuster
Dear Mr. Martin, Dear Mr. Buchta, I am writing you from Germany, to express my support for you. I was very sad, when I heard of your arrest in Greece from a friend of mine. I study law in Germany and I just can not understand, how anything like that can happen in a country, which is supposed to be democratic. I wish you both strength and confidence. Stand strong and don't give up. Your fan's thoughts are with you all the time and we will wait for you, to come back soon. I
from:Daniel W.
Hello Martin, hello Ivan, i really hope you will be released from jail very very soon. The ArmA-community needs you, we want you back. Keep your head up. You did nothing wrong. I´ll keep my fingers crossed for you! Best wishes from germany Daniel
from:Tj Coates
Hi guys. I hope you're doing okay in Greece. It is absurd that you were given these accusations. I am sorry that you are unable to see your families. It's terrible that they would do this to you. I hope you're doing okay while you're there though. I pray you get home soon.
from:Mauf, modder for 'Belgian FireFighter'
Hello guys, Thanks to you, we spend hours on a beautiful game, and that we can "modder" to desire, "The community" really wants to see you liberate ... Good luck guys! Cya
Nejmilejsi Maxell, we wish you very happy birthday! Vim, ze to asi nejsou narozeniny tak jak sis je predstavoval, ale alespon na ne dlouho nezapomenes! Krome toho, ze ti s napalmem prejeme hodne zdravi, stesti, lasky, uspechu a splnenych snu, letos k tomu pridavame jeste brzky navrat domu. Mej se, udrzuj postavu :) a opatruj se. See you soon a take care! Love, Nikitak & Napalm
Hlavně se vraťte brzo.Nebojte Česká republika ať je jaká je svoje lidi na holičkách nenechá.
Chlapi, já Vám přeju, abyste z té země, co si neustále půjčuje peníze a krade nám ty nejlepší herní vývojáře, co nejdřív odletěli za Vašima rodinama a známýma, nejen pro to, abyste mohli dělat na pokračování tak skvělé hry, ale abyste se zkrátka vrátili domů, držte se, jinak myslím, že za herní komunitu v České republice minimálně..Jsme s Vámi.. Geza
from:Rubbish 71
Wishing you the best guys....can't be much longer now. Semper Fi
from:Craig Andrews
Hope you guys are doing OK. Looking forward to ArmaIII! Good luck! You'll be out soon! Cheers from Canada!
Držím vám palce, abyste se z té kaše dostali. Je to prostě jen velké nedorozumnění a čím déle vás Řekové budou držet, tím větší blbci budou pro ostatní, takže jistě nebude trvat dlouho a budete zpátky doma :)
Hi, wish you could have seen the survivor games on DayZ this evening, was epic. These games wouldn't be the same without people like you in the world. Hope things pan out soon. We're all rooting for you here!!
from:Tygr Tygerus
Proč každej obvynuje turistu kdyš si jen fotí ? PS : snad se vrátíte v pořádku a nic se vám nestane :) a doufám že si užiju armu :) hodně zdraví
from:Tygr Tygerus
Proč každej obvynuje turistu kdyš si jen fotí ? PS : snad se vrátíte v pořádku a nic se vám nestane :) a doufám že si užiju armu :) hodně zdraví
Thinking about you Guys!!! Stay Strong!!!!! Hope you both are back with your family's very very soon!!!!!! I NEED ARMA 3 TO HAPPEN GOD DAM IT!!!! lol
from:Znorax (Taran Greaves)
Dear Martin and Ivan, I wish you guys the best in dealing with this horrible mistake. You have many friends, family, and gamers waiting for your release. We will all be counting the days until you're free to go back to the ones you love. -Znorax (Taran Greaves)
from:JW Custom
Hope you'll be free and united with your families soon. Btw, If you are not Ivan or Martin and read this card then please bring them some cake.
It may not mean much from an anonymous user on the other side of the world (Australia), but I wish you both the best.
We're rootin for you guys to get home soon. Keep your heads up.
from:Roman Renda
Čau kluci, nejsem nějakej zarytej fanoušek Army a co se týče vojenských simulátorů hrál jsem jen starou dobrou Operaci Flashpoint. Ale i nás "NeArmáčů" se ta situace musí dotknout. A moc Vám přeju ať se vrátíte brzo domů. :)
I hope you will get released from jail soon.
from:Mitchr Williams
Martin , Ivan , I am a casual Steam gamer witha highly valued account. I Have been playing the Armed Assault series for quite some time now. I am not writing this just because of ARMA 3, I Was Literally Emotional When i heard the news about The Greek "Espionage" Misunderstanding. I Would like to let you know that I am doing all I can to aid you , and support you. Stay strong lads , in the future I hope that you can write back some day. Just send me an email - [email protected] .
Крепитесь, парни!
from:Jan Jirkovský
Ahoj Ivane a Martine, Tady v ČR na vás spousta lidí myslí, nejste v tom sami! Věřím, že se vše brzy vyřeší. Přeji šťastný návrat domů co nejdříve! Honza J.
Hi Ivan and Martin ! I found this funny picture on internet, I want to share it with you :) it could be of some inspiration :-) May the force be with you.
Nenormalne veci sa deju na tomto svete...Drzim vam palce.
Hello! I have never played ARMA, but I heard about what happened, and I want to wish you the best of luck and hope you can return home soon!
Hope to see you out there soon!
Hope you get out soon :)
Moc se na vás těšíme kluci a nebojte,Česká Republika to tak nenechá!!!! :-)
Dear Martin & Ivan, I hope you're treated well and with the respect you deserve as wrongfully accused and know that one day you'll get back into the arms of your loved ones. Best wishes and good luck from the gaming community in Sweden!
Hope the BattleBus gets you out ; )
We will get you back to your families soon!
Fuck the greece!
from:Ashwin Bakker
Don't worry bro! We will get you out of there! Hang on!
from:Michal Sixor Kalina
Držím palce ať jste zpět co nejdříve, aktuálně jste tam už měsíc a půl není možné! Věřím že vše dobře dopadne.
Выпустите наших разработчиков!!
from:Katherine Field
We stand with you and hope for your quick release from this herp-derp prison. We pray strength for you and your families in what is a ridiculous and trying situation. Also.. I hope when you are released there is a mini-game in Arma about being stuck in a Greek prison. I will buy it to support you sticking it to them.
from:Morten Pedersen a.k.a. MulleDK19
Dear Ivan and Martin. I was shocked when I heard that two guys employeed at BIS had been arrested. But when the actual names were published, I was absolutely stunned. The fact that I had just met you, Ivan, only a month earlier at GamesCom, made the whole thing feel a lot more personal. I hope you're both okay and will get home safe and sound soon. Greetings from Denmark; Morten. PS: As a small encouragement, on the other side of this card, is a screenshot of a tool I'm working on.
from:[I44] canukausiuka
Ivan, Martin, You have my full support - the Greeks should be ashamed of this absolute miscarriage of justice. It is ridiculous what a tenuous thing freedom is. You are both in my thoughts and prayers, along with your families. Stay strong, and I look forward to the day I hear of your release and commensurate compensation for this travesty!
from:Viktor Pokorný
Hráči vám drží palce a pevně věřím že vše dobře dopadne!!
from:Tonci87 | Brigade2010
Dear Martin & Ivan, We all know that you are innocent and we hope that you will be home soon. Stay strong and don´t forget that you are not alone! Držte se! The Brigade2010 Team
from:Seth Stoney
dear Ivan Butcha and Martin Pezlar, i know it must be hard without your families in a foreign country, but they need you to get through this. you CAN get through this. I hope in some way this helped you, Seth
from:Ellis Richmond
Good luck guys. Hope you can get home soon. Looking forward to ArmA 3.
from:Stefan Mueller
Hey Guys. 43 days are a long time already and i hope you two get free soon! Cant handle a delay of the new arma because of those greeces - just a jocke! Hope you too are ok! The folks is behind you and supports you! Whis the best for you two and your family!
from:Marek z Prahy
Chlapy držte se snad co nejdřív budete doma držím palce ať to tam vydržíte
from:Brendan de Swardt AKA Mr. B
Never be afraid of the unknown. Never let the enemy break you. Never trust those that may try deceive you. Always support your allies to the very end. WE ARE ARMA III UNITED!
First of all I want to thank you guys for the thousands of hours of fun, (online and offline), I had with ArmA! I know it has to be a pretty tough being jailed especially when you guys have nothing to do with espionage and just with the development of this amazing simulator which has been highly entertaining in so many ways (not only through gameplay but scripting, custom missions, coop missions, 3D modeling and everything else!) . I’m a christian and I’ll have you in my prayers so you guys can
from:Mr Burks
Hey Ivan & Martin, I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm really sorry this is happening to you two, but I just wanted to let you both know, that there are greater amounts of people than just me trying to get you both set home and free from Greece's government. Keep hopes and faith strong as we try our best to get you home. Stay strong, T. P. Burks
We really miss you I wish I can jsut bail you guys out I really miss you guys I don't care about the new arma I care about you guys getting freedom.
from:Lukáš z Písku :)
Kluci vraťte se nám brzy a hlavně v pořádku !!!!
Get back home hopefully soon in your families Take care of you
from:Whisper ®
I'm sure the powers at be will realize the ridiculous nature of these accusations. Just so you know, the whole world is jailed with you, waiting for justice. Don't let this become a defining moment in your life, your family and friends will be there when your returned to them...never forget that. Stay strong.
from:( D2446 )
Сергей . Привет парни ! Думаю что бы я сейчас не сказал , вряд ли Вас утешит ...!? Но , сам факт получения сообщения имеет большое значение . Так вот , я с Вами , парни , и уверен , таких Я , не мало ! Жму руку , держитесь , Надеюсь что всё будет хорошо !
from:( D2446 )
Сергей . Привет парни ! Думаю что бы я сейчас не сказал , вряд ли Вас утешит ...!? Но , сам факт получения сообщения имеет большое значение . Так вот , я с Вами , парни , и уверен , таких Я , не мало ! Жму руку , держитесь , Надеюсь что всё будет хорошо !
Držte se kluci, jsme s vámi a fandíme vám!!!
Ahoj Ivane a Martine, podporuji vás a věřím, že se vše vyřeší v co nejkratším čase a vy se brzy vrátíte domů. :-)
from:Sebastian Papenbreer
Hang on! Many people still waiting for you! I wish you the best, and i hope (i know) greece will set you free!
from:Patrick Medve
Hey guys, much luck to you both. No worries, we'll get you out.
Brothers come back to yours home! Freedom and brotherhood !!!!!
from:Victor Poulsen
The best of wishes for you guys. Hope that you will be home soon and that you are allright.
from:Tina-Tarita Knuutinen, Timi Knuutinen
Family Drake sends best wishes!
from:Dominik Dziura
From all Polish Arma fans: Powodzienia, wszyscy czekamy na wasze wyjscie. I wish you two to get out as soon as possible. I really hope that you will not get prosecuted for this and that you will be back with your families as soon as possible. :) Good Luck!
from:Tiina from Finland
Fight your way out, like Batman and Robin! No homo.
I hope for your swift return and give you my best condolences.
Ivan and Martin i realy hope that you get home soon. P.S Good luck!
Stay grounded, stay strong, and keep your mind clear. We WILL get you home safe to your families no matter the cost.
We hope you get out soon! Greatings from Germany.
Trollololo Good luck! Greetz
Courage, I pry for you.
from:Charles K
I would like to say thank you for creating (in my opinion) some of the greatest games ever made over there at Bohemia Interactive. What you do isn't just making games, it's a way for people to escape from the harshness of reality, if not for a brief moment. What you do is magical, and hopefully, with the support of people all around the world, you'll be back to your wizardry soon! With best wishes, Charles K, (AKA Supplice VI)
from:Mike / Krixxus
Keep smiling guy's, i look forward to your safe return soon. Thinking of you and your families during this time. All the best... Mike (KrIxXuS)
from:Jens"Dallas"Flaskgaard, Denmark
Dear Martin & Ivan, Once in a while you just have to stop playing and take in all of Chenarus' beauty. Often in these quiet moments my thoughts goes out to your two. This is us heading for Kamenka, sending a team north for a friend in need. Be strong
from:Frans ''Appelsiini'' Mäki
Get home to your close ones soon lads!
from:Sam (BobcatBob on fourms)
Hello guys, I just want to let you both know that you are in my thoughts and that particularly, for every moment of joy your wonderful games brought me, I am eternally grateful. As Arma 3, your most recent labor of love comes closer to completion I look forward to enjoying all the hard work you and your friends have put into it. Enjoying Arma can't be the same knowing you two who helped create it are in prison! I look forward to hearing about your release and return to your families! Godspeed!
To Martin and Ivan Stay strong guys. We hope you will back home soon. thank you for your great work. We're with you! The KB-Clan from germany and SRC-Clan from Switzerland
from:Pavel "Ronaldus7"
Kluci, držte se... Držim palce!
Games dont kill people
The ARMA series has provided me with hundreds of hours of entertainment. I've enjoyed every iteration of the game since Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis. I know what you are going through is completely unfair, and you have my complete support to get through this seemingly impossible situation. I wish for swift justice, so you can get back to developing one of the best millsim's on the market today. My best to you, and your families.
from:Brolmen, Valter
I hope you get back Ivan, at first I liked dayz but soon realized that arma 2 was even better even sense then I've been enjoying it a lot, just the effort and work your team put in is conclusively the best I've seen from a developer. and I know you miss your family but I know you will make it out soon stay strong.
Stay strong, guys. I wish you all the luck you can get and thank you for a great work. We're with you!
I believe in a fair outcome. The main thing that the public opinion is not extinguished.
Ну Вот Да
To Martin and Ivan Thank you for the amazing work you have gifted us with. Stay strong, regards from Australia.
from:Matiush Tein
Держитесь парни! Весь мир на вашей стороне, Греция сейчас слаба и не сможет противостоять нашему нажиму! К рождеству будете дома. Stay frosty guys! The whole world on your side, Greece is now weak and can't resist to our pressing! By Christmas will be at home.
from:Old Bear
As every morning sitting at my desk, I am thinking about you, Ivan and Martin, and I am also thinking about your families. I hope you will back home soon.
Good luck, Stay Strong.
from:Cleo Mullins
Dear Ivan and Martin, Please try to stay strong and hopeful. Know that there are many people concerned about you and hoping for your speedy release. Cleo Mullins Virginia, U.S.A.
from:Jake Ass
From Finland with Love. Jailbait boys Jake and Petri. xoxo
Nous pensons bien à vous. Et espérons une libération proche Amicalement
Držte se kluci! Za team INDIAN Baty
Держитесь Мужчины!
Thanks for going above and beyond the call of duty to bring us one of the most intense and exciting game series on the market. Hoping for a swift release!
from:Pavel Meddy Medek
Guys, it is time to stop slacking and go back to work, we are missing you every single day. Stay strong, we are with you!
Дорогие товарищи, не отчаивайтесь! Все будет хорошо. Держитесь.
Hungarian gamers are also with you ! Keep the faith !
Stay strong guys! I hope you can speedy return to home. The world of gamers is with you.
Hang in there guys! You will be back home again in no time! Stay strong and positive! / ]NTRUDER
Hey guys, everyone is trying very hard to get your two out. Don't lose hope. Theres thousands of people behind you, supporting you. As of right now the petition has over 12,000 signatures. -Chris Arma 2 Fan Wisconsin, USA
guys, just hold on. we coming to help
Stay Strong. You are in our thoughts!
from:Alistair Lysaght (deathbot20)
hey guys, i hope you both get let out soon. the ArmA community is deeply saddened by the greek actions. hope you guys are well and hope you a treated fairly and justly. "stand Strong, stand proud. let none bring you down." - Unknown
I'm very sorry for Ivan and Martin would be nice to them released before and I hope that this no longer happens
from:Sano Karika
I wish for your unjust imprisonment to be over soon. I didn't know that some Greeks are this much retarded but impossible happens. We all wish for your safe return to your families and to community.
I hope that you guys get home soon, I appreciate you traveling so far just for a game, and it's terrible that someone would do this, thanks for the great games.
from:Bob Walls
Hey guys, I am a retired American soldier & I just want you to know how much support you have over here for getting thru this BULLSHIT! Please try to stay positive and keep fighting the stress every day. Just know that you have so many people here in America that totally respect you two and I wish I could assemble my boys to break you out of that prison and put my foot up that prosecutors rear end! Hang Tough & good luck. SGT. Bobby Walls U.S. Army retired
from:Ben K.
I bet this is what ArmA 3 will look like.. but that's just a fantasy until you guys get home. Good luck!
Hi! There! Seen anything recently? Get out soon Martin and Ivan. Hope to see you out by the time this card arrives. In the mean time here are the lyrics to Britney Spears song "Toxic" for no reason. Baby, can't you see I'm calling A guy like you Should wear a warning It's dan- Ah forget it.
Hey Guys hope your alright I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!
Greetings from Sweden! What has happened to you is absolutely appalling. Gamers all over Sweden hope for the swift dismissal of your "case" and return home to your families. Stay strong.
Prajem skory navrat domov.
from:Zach Smith
Hey guys, hope you're okay. The entirety of your fanbase, the internet, and anyone else with common sense is behind you right now and we all hope to see you out of there soon. Can't wait till you're out and you can get back to doing what you love. Thanks a million and hang in there mates.
from:Lord Chhaya
Chin up chaos we'll have you out shortly! You have the whole Internet behind you! FREEDOM!
Greetings from Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Hang in there guys and stay strong. You are in my prayers.
It's all going to come out ok guys. Don't lose hope!
I know what it's like to be in jail for something you didn't do. The general public like to believe that this shit doesn't happen to innocent people, but we know it does. I sincerely hope you guys are able to get out of this mess without having to plea out or worse. I don't know if you've ever been in jail but these letters will help you along SO MUCH. I haven't played much of the ARMA series but wanted to send this as a fellow victim of the system.
from:Djaune Koveras Wildman
Hey guys. I wanted to play ArmA II today and i saw the news on steam. This is madness. Dudes, if I could, i'll send you some fresh beers. The least I can do now is sending you this card. I realy hope you will be free very soon and you'll see your families / pals asap. Stay strong guys, we'll keep fighting for your freedom.
Free Ivan and Martin! They are not guilty!!!
They weren't doing any harm, they were just carrying out research for a game for christs sake . Let them go
from:Joshua Burroughs
Best of luck! You guys should try to get the Swiss involved. They're good at harassing governments to let innocents go.
Try and hold out!!!
Текст на открытке
from:Ed .P
You guys are amazing!
from:Shaun M
Hang in there guys, this mess will get sorted soon!
I feel really sorry for you two as it seems unfair how you have ended up in the situation you are in and I wanted to let you know that me and my friends understand what your going through and wish you best of luck for the future. so here is a rabbit to cheer you up. =) /\/\ ('_') ( ).
Arma devs - getting over the bullshit since 1742
Fuck Greece, escape in one of these
Cant wait for Arma IV.
from:Reinhart De Craemer
Just say to those greeks: Mein Name ist Hase they'll let you go instantly. Good luck guys
Chin up :) hopefully they will see sense and you will be free soo xD hopefully see your names on many future end credits on some games :p Tom
from:Jonathan Gonzales
Hey guys, I don't own arma 2, Or have I ever played any of your companies games, But I do regret your situation, But hey, You get out of there and I'll get the game, Maybe we can play sometime as well? my steam Id is : soundwave145 :3 Best of luck to you!
Martin and Ivan, Hope you beat these nonsensical charges as soon as possible so you can return home to your family. All the best, Sander
Best wishes to you guys, hang in there! Been spending my time playing DayZ and keeping track of your story in the news. I'll kill a few zombies just for you guys!
Hey, my name's Miro and I just wanted to tell you guys that I hope you get out of there soon, so that you can continue your amazing work. Best of luck
Hey guys i heard you got in jail...that stinks...i hope you get out soon and start on Arma 3 (of course after a small vacation) because i LOVED Arma 2.
from:Lucian Švelić
Greetings from Croatia Martin and Ivan, i wish you guys the best of luck and i hope you'll get released from prison soon. Don't let your spirits go down.
Se Os Desea Mucha Suerte Desde Aquí España Y Queremos Todos Que Salgais De Prisión Por Nada Que Hicisteis Y Los Griegos Que No Hagan Una Tonteria De Huelga Porque Eso Os Perjudica A Vosotros Y A Los Demás. Y Que Hagais Un Gran Juegos Como Arma II Y Se Espera Lo Mismo Con Arma III Saludos Desde España. Sunfy
from:André Bishop
Our games design class are all thinking of you and your family during this hard time! I hope you get out ok and can see how much everybody has cared! Good luck and hope to see you released save and sound. :)
from:Joris VM
Stay strong and have a nice trip home!! Greetings from Belgium
Dear Martin and Ivan, We are all still thinking of you and want you back home soon. We send you our well wishes and hope you are keeping your spirits up. Stay strong, Maine.
Дорогие друзья Martin Pezlar и Ivan Buchta. Пишут вам из далекой России с Урала. Держитесь други! Всех не пересажают! Мы мысленно с вами!
Братки, держитесь. Мы с вами.
Cheers from Poland nad good luck mates
Freedom!Please help
Hello Martin and Ivan , Do not speak English so I say to Russian......Надеюсь в скором времени это недоразумение будет решено и Грецкие власти извиняться перед вами,желаю побыстрей вернуться домой.И спасибо за такое качественное отношение к вашей работе.
from:Julius Trabert
Hold on Guys.Best wishes from Germany
It has been 37.7 days since you were put in, things have changed alot since then. The UN has outlawed ice cream and fun, birds flying over military installations have been caged for fear of bird spies. The sound of children laughing is being bottled and sold as children are now outlawed as well. Thanks to all of this being in jail sounds like it could be fun, we hope you enjoy your vacation.
Kitty is charged with espionage by Greek government. Don't let it get you down and keep up the good work guys :)
Dont give up! we all know you are innocent. you'll be home soon!
from:Remedy Entertainment ltd.
Free the good men! Best Regards, Remedy
Hey, hang in there guys. We all believe you're gonna come home quickly! Greetz from Holland!
Hope you'll see your famalies soon. Best wishes to you
from:Radu Tănasie
The history of liberty is a history of resistance.
Zdravím, chlapi! Jen bych Vám chtěl říct, jak moc si Vaší práce vážím - koneckonců, hry z Vaší dílny mně více méně odkojily (starej dobrej Flashpoint mi dělá společníka dodnes), a že Vám přeju hodně štěstí. Trochu dramatična - ať pravda a spravedlnost zvítězí nad lží a (nejen v tomto případě) stupiditou! Držte se, a ať jste brzo doma!
The airship will get you home safe! Hold on we are all there with you guys! Translated with a computer program: Για τον ελληνικό λαό: Η πλέον να κρατήσει τους περισσότερους οπαδούς το ARMA (και τους οπαδούς παιχνίδι σε γενικές γραμμές) θα χάσετε ως τουρίστας στο μέλλον! Χωρίς τουριστική => καθόλου χρήματα => κανένας στρατός => παραβιάσεις δεν είναι δυνατόν για τη λήψη εικόνων, όπου η εγκατάσταση αυτού του στρατού είναι occidentally επάνω! Σκεφτείτε το! Conclusion: just release them ... -_-
Hold on guys! From Russia with love!
Come back soon! Russia with you! Hold on, guys, everything will be fine =)
from:Dzianis Yafimau
No Pasaran!
Russian gamers with you.
Držte se tam chlapi. A snad vás brzo pustí. Třeba tamí nasbíráte nějaké materiály na další hry :-) Pozdravují vás studenti ČVUT.
Cheers from Hungary! Big up yourselfs and do some serious massive workout until you get out!
from:Tony Ekström
Don't give up. There is justice in the world, even if we have to make it ourselves.
Good luck !!!
Hey guys Sorry to hear about the situation you find yourself in. Maybe the greeks are more into Operation Flashpoint than Arma, eh? Hope everything goes well, get back here and build us another awesome game ;) Good luck
from:Connor Ferguson
Hello Ivan and Martin I hope this postcard finds you well. I hope that you get out of prison soon. All the best.
from:Deano S
Thought Boobies are always relevant.... AND LOOK AT THAT POLAR BEAR!!!!!!
from:Mr Swanz
Keep your chins up! We will get you out soon enough! Take care.
from:Sergio Klim
ENG: Russia with you! Come back soon! Let you go! Be brave and please be patient and all will be well! We believe you! RU: Россия с вами! Возвращайтесь скорее! Будьте смелы и, пожалуйста, будьте терпеливы и все будет хорошо! Мы верим вам!
from:Josh Evans
Yo from Newcastle, England, just wanted to show my moral support in a time of troubles. You'll be out soon enough and back to doing whatever it is you do and such what.
Creeks don,t play games. Call the Spartans. ;)
Take care Guys! We support You!
Hey, I'm a uni student doing games dev. I've never played your games before, but have friends who are great fans, let me just say, you seem to have the best damn community around, and that I aspire to create such a community once I make a game. I respect your methods and attention to detail. You two are champions, and I wish you well in your current situation, life, and everything else. Sincerely, Cameron
from:Grant 'limpnoodle'
WWFD? he break out and pop a cap in all thier arses. Seriously though good luck getting out of that shit hole... Greece, i mean gaol. Wishing you best of luck from Australia
from:Leo "Spengles" Spengler
Love your work gentleman, keep your hopes up, myself and everyone in California stands with you guys, stay awesome!
I may only have a passing interest in Arma, but it's still an interest, and Bohemia Interactive deserves all the support they get. I really hope in my heart that some good comes out of this situation, and Martin and Ivan end up in safe hands eventually.
stay strong innocent until proven guilty
Unbelievable. I can't believe they've got you like this. Stay tough, I've been in the clink for bad reasons too. In a few years it'll be funny.
Ребята, вас ждет весь мир. Возвращайтесь. Guys, world waiting you. Back to us.
Sucks that you're in prison
from:Marcos Pogosyan
Hi! Guys I'm very worried about you. Ivan, Martin, I wish you to quickly freed you, to quickly return home to their families. Good luck in court. Regards Marcos
Don't lose faith were all betting for you to get back. See you in Arma 3
from:nick lauder
OMG you guys are so awsome!!! i love arrma 2 it is one of the best games ever, i especially love dayz and i cant wait untill it comes out in standalone, but anyway i am doing whatever i can to help u guys and i hope u get this.
I hope you guys are doing well. Hopefully you two will be home soon.
Does this mean Arma III will feature accurate prison enviroment?
Hope that this pin-up girl will keep you warm and entertained. Keep your chin up guys! Best of wishes and really loving your dedication you are having for working at ArmA 3 Much love and apreciation, Skaskunk
You = Kitten Greece = Finger =(
I hope you this manages to be solved and you guys are released safe and found. Best wishes from a fan. Mark
from:Kevin Heuvink
Please keep your head up, and keep believing in justice, you guys will get out soon. Everyone in holland feels for you guys , and we all want you to get out. You have millions of people who wait eagerly everyday for you guys to be released. You guys are not alone, you are in our thoughts and our hearts.
from:Colin Delaney
I hope you get out soon, I'm really looking forward to Arma III!
from:The Bisky Niffer
I think the pic pretty much speaks for itself.
from:Andrew Hoehne
This whole ordeal has been a plane wreck. I hope you guys get home soon. You have this Californian's support. Cheers gentlemen, get home soon and safe.
Hang in there guys, as the card says, IT COULD BE WORSE!! Hopefully your out soon!
держитесь ребята
from:Ethan U
You are both in the gaming communities thoughts and prayers, justice will be done and the world will know your have been wrongfully imprisoned. Take comfort in knowing we are all awaiting your return, eagerly, and doing all we can to assist from the US...be strong!!
This is exactly what I would have wanted sent to me, if I were in prison. Don't give up.
As a junior game developer in Australia I cringe at the thought of what you are going through. Please stay strong and remember that the world has not forgotten you and will keep protesting your detainment until you are free.
Hang in there, will never buy those new Greek yogurts due to this.
from:Nick Loney
I hope everything works out soon for you guys. What happened is just awful. With any luck things will be set right soon and you'll be. Know that you have our thoughts with you every day and we won't give up on you so don't give up on us. :) Best of wishes from Canada and stay strong.
from:Ivan Goncharov
Ivan and Martin ... time to go home ...
from:Curtis McGee
Let's see if I can get this person checking this letter to smile..... Terrorism airline bomb jihad allahu akbar 9-11 plot conspire subway anthrax weapon secret smuggle white power Harry Potter prison break escape attempt . We'll see if that gets any attention coming through the mail room where you are. Come at me bro. You mad bro? You mad. You piggie bro. Piggie piggie piggie.
from:Gage "Dunk/Shadowhisperer" Bush
I wish you all the best and even though I do not know you I was saddened to see the outcome of you trip. When all is said and done and you are once again free you can take solace in the knowledge that there we others including me who were looking out for you.
Hey Guys, I've never played any of the Arma games, but I heard about your misfortune, and being hopeful future developer i just wanted to wish you the best of luck in the future and tell you that you guys along with other developers are a big part of what is making this industry as great as it is. So as the postcard says, you are awesome, keep up the good work, and i hope to hear of your release soon. Hopeful and kind regards, a future Developer.
Stay strong. Hold fast. Gods speed and good luck.
from:Nicholas Williams
Wishing you all the best in what must be a horrible situation. I hope it gets resolved soon. Stay strong !
Skeletor bids you be strong. For glory!
from:A.s. Kennedy
Good luck
Hang in there, Greece will cross that damn road eventually.
from:Josh Summers
hope you guys get out soon! Your community is behind you, keep your chins up it will all be sorted out soon ^_^
from:Alex Lopez
Dear Greece These Devs have an army of military minded fans praying for their safe return. I suggest you speed it up.
The squad cannot continue without its commanders. When this all blows over, we can continue the assault!
Hang tight guys! I'm tunneling under the building as you read this. I've spent all my life savings on flying into the country and preparing numerous Military Grade spoons for us to use in tunneling through the concrete walls. I'll have in my possession a Marlyn Monroe poster that we can use to cover the entrance to our escape! And don't worry, there will be a small rubber dingy that I purchased from Wal-Mart that we'll use to cross the Ocean!
from:Paranoid Android
Get well soon.. I mean... hang in there guys! I wish you the best of luck and hope that you will both be back soon.
Guys, I don't know what to say but: get home soon! I hope the Greeks aren't treating you too harshly and that the food isn't as bad as on my holiday. Best regards
Hope it isn't too bad in there, rooting for a release soon. Stay strong!
I got your back! Get home safe!
from:Kapitán Tlumex
Přeji Vám pánové hlavně pevné nervy, než se ta blbost vyřeší, jistě ve Váš prospěch ! A pokud ne, jistě už se po světě formují první jednotky Moo Cavalry, které Vás co nevidět osvobodí!
Don't worry Ivan and Martin the Greeks won't get you!
from:Your Hughness
Think about ponies and you'll be out of there in no time!
from:Dan Pierce
Hold on guys, people all over this globe of ours are pulling for your freedom.
from:Alexander Kraus
Hello Ivan and Martin, I haven't played any of the ARMA games with no intentions in the future. But I do dream of one day making my own video games and am worried about society misunderstanding. I hope you guys get out soon and back to your families
from:soc yu coc
hey boyz hope you hang in there me love to gief you bjs when you back in vietnam bby and remember, 10 dollah each and no niggahs niggah too beaucoup
Hey there this is Demikid hoping you guys get your trial and freedom secured quickly and maybe a bit of a vacation for your troubles. I can safely say all us ARMA fans are hoping you guys have an awesome life after this is over and want to thank you for all your hard work
from:Emile Haas
The best of luck to both of you, I'm sure you're going to see your family again really soon! A shout of hope from Brazil.
from:Guy Kibler
Dear Ivan and Martin, I personally think the design I chose belongs to the situation you are in. "Leave no man behind" What they are doing is wrong, and I would like to play ArmA 3, but I would like to see you both out of jail before it comes out, and that would make me, and many others very happy. From, Guy Kibler
Hello guys, I just wanted to let you know that you're in our thoughts, EVEN HERE in Finland. (Btw that picture is from here) Hang in there, buddies. We hope you will get free soon. Lotsa love!
Supporting you from around the world
from:Warm regards
Hope you are well, and that you boys will be home soon!
Hope you guys get freed soon in the mean time keep hope in the knowledge that the internet is pestering the Greek government to let you go. Much love xxx
Wishing you two all the best, and a speedy, safe return. And hey, when you get back, you better tell us all about those juicy Greek military secrets. We want to know all about their advanced hoplite armour, their army of triremes and how much Greek fire they have in their arsenal.
Stay strong, my friends.
from:Ben Clarke
I wish you all the best during this trying situation. I hope that you can return home soon. Rabbits are kinda cool
from:Kurt Willoughby
Hey guys, I can't begin to imagine what you must be experiencing over there. I just wanted to join the (hopefully) many others in letting you know you have our support. I really hope these ridiculous allegations will soon be seen as being just that: ridiculous, and that you will be able to return home to your friends and family. Also, we need you to get back to work (joke).
from:Mac Ennis
When in Greece - dream well!
I can imagine that something like this can ruin a vacation pretty quickly. Aside from that, best of luck for the time coming! I sincerely hope you'll be free and back soon.
from:Andrew Teasdale
I hope you guys are holding up okay, if it were possible I would be the first to offer you guys endless drinks on me at the local Pub. But alas, All i am able to do is send you my deepest regards and the greatest of luck. I'm routing for you two. :) Come back soon. ----------Your's faithfully. Andy.
Games lubricate the body and mind - Benjamin Franklin. Being stuck in Greece is bad enough, but being stuck in a Greek prison must be awful. But when you get out and touch the clean air once more, gazing upon the sun, you will love life even more.
Hope to see you out of Greece soon. Good luck and have a Ractor Nr4. Think optimisticly now you can do very good level design of prisons.
from:Shawn H.
Stay strong and never give up! That is the human nature! From Texas, We wish you both, Ivan and Martin, the best of luck! “Diplomacy is the velvet glove that cloaks the fist of power.” ― Robin Hobb “Truth without love is brutality, and love without truth is hypocrisy.” ― Warren W. Wiersbe
You're part of a great game, development team and community. I don't know bout the others, but I know we can't leave brothers behind. Stay strong and never surrender for something you have not done!
from:philip kuna
hang in there. i support you 110%
Hold on, our hearts are with you. Good luck.
Stay strong, we're with you. And thank you for everything you've done.
You are not the first to sit in those prisons without committing a crime - so keep faith that the rest of the world is watching...
from:[AS] SoLiD
Hang in there guys! AS VDV is with you, justice will prevail! Good luck! Thank you for the beautiful game!!!
"Never give up, never surrender." Just get home safe, ya?
Держитесь парни! Скорейшего освобождения, терпения Вам и вашим близким!
Stay strong and stay safe. You're not forgotten, we are keeping you in our thoughts and rooting for you.
Keep Strong and Carry on. The egregious actions of the few in power shows why Greece is in the situation it is in. May the Artists and the developers be free to create and inspire. Hope 2 see you free'd soon
from:Justin Rinker
Keep up the faith, guys! Best wishes and hope we can get you out of there soon!
Keep your chins up, guys.
Seriously, Just release them from your prison! what you're doing is not only lame, but illegal and wrong! Get your act together Greece! (and start working to contribute in the world instead of bringing it down!)
from:Roxx Weltraum
Looks like we'll get you out the olde fashioned way.
Zdravím, pánové. Vaše situace je vážně na hovno a snad se rychle vyřeší. Poslal bych pilník, ale žádnej pěknej jsem nenašel, tak snad máte rádi internetový kočky ;) Přeju rychlý návrat domu.
I am very sorry to hear you are imprisoned in a foreign country. I enjoy the ARMA games and the work that you do, I hope you will get out soon and continue doing what you do best.
...after all, you could be in Iran. Keep your heads up, guys. We're rooting for you.
Dear Martin and Ivan, Here's hoping that the Greek government discover their mistakes soon, and get you safely home to your families. Your dedication to creating the greatest MilSim game of all time, Arma 3, is without a doubt unquestionable now. Cheers from the US of A!
Hey guys. So... what's happened is kind of a bit crap. And there are... a lot of people out here who are doing the best they can to spread the word, get you home, and just generally show that what happened to you should not have happened. I'm not good with words. I don't even play Arma much. But stay strong, 'cos a lot of people are gonna be expecting you to get out and then immediately develop a bloody good game, so... Yeah. Do that. Good luck.
from:Jesse Könönen
Hope you get back home soon! ;( Be well!
from:Michael Way
Things Can Only Get Better Guys, Hold on in there!
from:Mike P
I know you're not exactly my neighbours, but I'm a passionate gamer and so this feels closer to home than when you hear about it on the news about strangers. Only just started playing Arma II and it's clear you guys make a great game (although I can't drive the helicopter to save my life!). I wish you the best of luck for now and the future, and a swift and happy return! With deepest sympathies and warm regards,
If I could send you a rock-hammer I would. Stay strong chaps.
Next time, don't get caught. ;)
Hope you will be released soon!
from:Maciej Peterson
My best wishes go out to you. Prison is the last place you expect to end up in when you're a game developer. Know that there are countless people supporting you on the outside!
from:Lee P. Cannon
Just think of the stories you can tell when you finally get back home. Don't lose heart.
Don't give up.
Get back soon.
from:Eddy R. AKA Blackhawk
“Cheer up. Better days are coming.” From our clan CRBF located in Costa Rica we wish you guys the best, may God be with you, we are confident that justice will win and you guys will be back soon! Never ever give up!
some moral support!
from:William Gilder
Greece, huh? I at least hope the food is decent, although i wouldn't expect much from a prison tbh. Just don't expect any salt or pepper... be glad for no garlic though. Stick in their, stiff upper lip and all that stuff. The entire gaming community is backing you up, even the Brony's are showing mild support. Get out soon lads, the world needs some more awesome games.
Dear Ivan and Martin, I am sorry to hear of your arrest. I hope the authorities come to their senses and release you as soon as possible. Greece has nothing to fear from either of you, and I don't understand why it's taking so long to clear your names and secure your release. Be strong and remember that a lot of people are thinking about you and are looking forward to the day when you can be free again. Sincerely, McMick -- United States
Thinking about you guys. Hope all is a good as it can be where you are now. Looking forward to your release.
from:Ivan F.
This is a giraffe.
from:Brett "Zerti" Smith
I know it has to suck and sometimes it has to feel like you're just punching at air trying to get out. Just remember, you WILL get out. Stand strong, stand proud. Never give up! We've got your back...
I hope you'll be able to see your family and friends soon enough again and that your name is restored to the glory it deserves.
from:Jason Olivas
Hang in there, Martin and Ivan. You will be free soon. And that day cannot come fast enough. You will be stronger people at the end of all this.
Get out soon!
thank the game, pls come back to us we waiting....)
I don't even play Arma - I've only watched ShackTac's videos of it and DayZ - but I feel like I'm part of the community and want to tell I wish all the best for you. "だけど今は 噛み締めて流れる証と" ~But now, I take it day by day with the flowing proof~
from:Topher Glenn
Sorry to hear about what's going on. How can they lock you up for spying, I can see more of Greece on Google Earth then you guys can get pics of. Anyway thoughts and prayers to you guys, ARMA is one of the best open world experiences I've ever had in gaming. Nothing comes close.
Release thos guys, will ya! doesnt mean there is an Eurocrisis you need to delay courts... Hope you get your freedom back guyz!
Stay strong guys!!! IIl hope this will get sorted out soon and you'll be back with you're familly. Best wishes from the Netherlands!
Hey killar =D Fan jävla grekland, var där i sommras, god mat, trevliga människor och underbar natur! ! ! Hata inte folket, hata dess regering, idioter hela högen. Mvh LV!
Hey dudes =D I hope U guys get out soon. We miss U in the west world ^^ !
Release them, please!! Отпустите их, пожалуйста!!
hold on guys we love your unique work hopfully justice will take its course soon
from:Tanner Myatt
Pretty sure this was the mask greek authorities were wearing over their face as they filled out your arrest forms. Dont let them get to you!
Good luck chaps, hope this mess gets sorted out soon. Absolute shambles by the Greeks. Stay strong.
Hello Hope you get out soon :) Looking forward to arma3
Doufám že vás pustí :-)
Dobri-den! Please try to escape :) stay awesome, devs! You guys were doing a great job an I hope you can get home soon :)
Ahoj kluci, věříme, že se vše co nejdříve vyřeší a budete zase brzy doma se svými rodinami! Držíme palce a přejeme hodně štěstí!
from:Soul Slayers Clan
Guys, We hope the greeks are treating you decently?! Hang in there, the world knows where u are! Good luck from your South African fan base.
I hope you guys receive a safe return home! Hang in there, and things will be alright! Keep making great games guys :) Wish both of you the best.
Be free.
Hello guys. Přeju Vám, at váš pobyt ve vězení uteče jako voda a vy už se brzo dostanete domů. Snad díky téhle zkušenosti bude další díl ještě lepší. ARMA is da best. Držte se
Hold on guys! All will be fine, and soon you going to home!) Hello from Russia!
Trolled by Euro crisis XD
hope you guys are being treated well, and that you get out soon! regards from The Forsaken http://theforsakenclan.com/
Artyom Hello from Russia! You need to US!!!
Keep your hopes up and get home soon :). All the best!
Hold on guys! My best wishes to you! I hope this will get sorted out soon, thats such a big misunderstanding :)
Venca Vás zdraví a doufám, že vás brzo pustí. Tak se držte!!!
Bohemia! We're with you! Enjoy jail!
Hope you get home to your families soon! Best wishes from Sweden!
Hold on to it guys, You CAN do it ;)!
You've helped with the only game of it's type. A great game very different than others. Loved by the ones that dreamed of it. Thank you for your help. Greetings from BElgium.
Dear Martin and Ivan, I am really sorry for what my country is doing to you and how they treat you. Our government should be embarrassed for what they are doing. I hope they release you soon so you can go back to your families. Again i am very sorry. I have always been a big arma fan, so i hope everything works fine. -Michael
While your there try lift some wheights if there are any, worst thing u can do is doing nothing. grts "mathieu "mathy" benoot from Belgium.
Don't worry, Ivan and Martin! You're going to get out, you'll see! :)
Wish you a quick and safe return. Hopefully, you will look back at this ordeal in the future and laugh.
Za všechny KARLOVARSKá LANKA , držte se kluci,ať už jste brzo doma
You, negři. Bacha, ať vám neupadne mýdlo! zde je joke pro pobavení: Víte proč ne píše 'bridž' a ne 'bridge?' páč se píše 'holič' a ne 'holidge'. ruku líbám!
from:Josh D
Good luck from the UK i hope you guys are home soon!
Be strong!! I hope you can get the hell out of this wicked situation very soon...
Everyone is determined to bring you guys back home to your country and more importantly to your families. Do not despair and remain tough.
from:RK1 Apocalypse
The situation you guys are in truly sucks. Hopefully you will be back home ASAP. Stay safe guys.
from:Gauthier Baudts
Dear Greeck Authorities, May I remind you that by art. 6 EVRM you are bound to give a public court hearing of all detinees WITHIN A REASOBLE TIMEFRAME. I, as in International legal scholar, would also like to point out that case law has pointed out that internal affairs, like the one you are experiencing, cannot excuse yourself from this obligation. I hope you take this advice to heart, or the chances you get convicted by the EcHR, and you have to pay damages, seems extremely likely. Yours truly.
Hope you guy's are doing well, and wish you both a fast and safe return home
from:Tommy Andersson, Sweden
Release them please, you just want to make your country showed by capturing two developers from a knowed game developers. If they shall be locked up for what they thought was okey all other some did the same thing shall be locked up, that while be around 3000 people atleast.
Dear Ivan and Martin. Greetings from cold and dark Finland. I am sorry to hear about your situation and i hope you get free soon. Needless to say that i am a big fan of your work. Get on your feet and fight, Marines! Your supporter and friend: Nightbringer308
We are all behind you guys so hang in there. =XsA=clan www.xs-assassins.eu
Nebojte klucíí brzo budete doma :) My si pro Vás přijdeme :)
At Vas koukaj pustit k...y
from:Vojtěch "Hammer" Zatloukal
Zdravím chlapy, vydržte, zůstaňte optimističtí, řecká vězení nejsou sice žádný luxus, ale berte to jako cenou zkušenost, kolik herních vývojářů se může pochlubit tím že zažili pobyt ve vězení? Využijte naplno volný čas co máte - čtěte, pište, vymýšlete... prostě se snažte pořád něco dělat, abyste neměli příležitost upadat do depresí. Přeju vám hodně štěstí, silnou vůli a ať se přání vašeho propuštění splní co nejdříve a vrátíte se brzo domů. :) PS. pamatujte: VY TO ZVLÁDNETE!
Artyom Yakimenko. Support IVAN and MARTIN.
Zdravím, moc Vám přeju aby Vás brzy pustili vůbec nechápu jak se tohle ještě může někde dít. Držím palce
Keep your head up! The support you will receive, grows by the minute!
Hello, I'd just like to thank you guys for this amazing game series. I've been playing ArmA since the first one, and I've had a blast. And ArmA 3 looks amazing, ya know, all these small details that you actually put in will make the game so much better! So keep it up.
Be back before dinner, guys!
Hold on guys :) Hello from Russia ^_^
Выходите, чуваки!!!
Velmi si vážím vaší práce, odvádíte jí skvěle, snad vás brzy propustí, a budete se moci vrátit, k rodině. Přeji hodně štěstí. Vítek.
from:Marcus Mustikka
Hang in there! And get home soon so you can continue making great games!
Don't Worry, Be Happy
Když jsem poprvé četl zprávy o vašem zadržení tak jsem myslel že je to nějaký vtip. Ale ukázalo se že není :( proto vám posílám na pomoc dva nevinné andělíčky ať se postarají o vaše brzké propuštění ze spáru chtivé důstojnice. :) Snad vás to aspoň trošičku potěší. Doufám že vás co v nejkratším čase pustí domu a patřičně se vám omluví. TurajsCZ
Get these guys out of there and back to their family
Get home soon guys. Really sounds like a joke from here, probably less on that side. Hang tight!
Ahoj chlapi, držte se, věřím, že co nejdřív budete doma. Michal
I know it's hard out there as you're sitting for something you didn't do on purpose. Stay strong, your families are waiting for you.
Hello from Russia. Greece sucks.
Seriously cant WHO would ever spy on a country like Greece anyway, I really hope they smart up and release you 2. Hope you get out soon From me and my friends here in sweden!
from:Jake Fleming
Hey guys. I hope your doing well over there. Hopefully soon enough you'll be home! Me and the group which I lead can't wait to hear the good news of you guys coming back and I can expect the same from you! As I am `Typing` this postcard. Which is on the 16/10/12 Tomorrow on the 17th I will be going on my Army `Pre-Selection` to see if I'm fit enough to get into the British armed Forces! Yet again, I hope your doing well. Regards From:- Jake Fleming (Archer) & Biohazard Universe
Arma 3)
Take care guys. You have the support from Belgium!
Free Toilet paper dude!
from:David Bourgois
Hang in there and get back soon.
Best wishes from Sweden!
Send my god damned Dayz developers home ASAP! They got better things to do. /Nyxz P.s give this to the closest guard in Greece.
Look at all the olive farmings over there! Or wait, that does look more like ARMA3's secret Greek army base DLC... hmm! But seriously let the guys finish ARMA3 now. Cheers!
Chlapi, myslíme na Vás, snad budete co nejdřív doma, dávám Řekům ještě chvíli, ale už mám nabito a dostanu Vás s chlapama pryč. (Jen sranda, kdyby ti páni Řekové nepochopili) Držte se!!!
goodluck out there
Thanks for your job guys and i hope you come back as soon possible. when you want to come to Brasil you will be received like a king for me in my house we are fans.
Hodně štěstí a doufám že se brzy vrátíte. :)
Ahoj kluci, já už vám můžu snad jen popřát hezkou prodlouženou dovolenou v Řecku. Doufám, že se z ní vrátíte brzy a v pořádku. P.S. Pozor na opálené mříže na těle.
What a Sucker Punch! You've guys have done so much great, given me so many hours of fun, so the least I can do is return the favor with this bombshell, so you keep your spirits up. Could be worse: they don't have yellow jumpsuits do they? =)
from:Vojtěch Palivec
Doufám že se brzo dostanete domů a stihnete oslavit svátky s rodinou. Spravedlnost zvíězí, jen jí to občas trvá. Lidé jsou prostě jen lidé.
Pevný nervy přeju...
from:Max Škach
Brzy se vysvětlí že to byl všechno jen omyl a vy se oba vrátíte domů k rodinám. Přeju vám brzký návrat.
Nebojte kluci, vše bude hned OK. Až ty imbecilové konečně začnou makat, tak budete obratem doma. Držte se!
from:Ade Putra
Hey guys, it's a rabbit. The internet likes animal pictures so here, have one yourselves. Keep your spirits up! Us fans won't forget and we'll be here with our support all the way.
from:Dmitry "Wolf" Mayakowsky
Good luck there. Russian fans with you.
Drazí kluci, vydržte pro nás ta nepochopitelná muka, mějte neustále úsměv na tváří. Jednou to určitě skončí. Přeji Vám hlavně pevné zdraví. Doufám, že se zase dostanete do studia a budete tvořit své sny v kódovacích programech:)! Štěpán Valový a redakce Vyťukej
from:Honza Tomanek
Držte se chlapi...potřebujeme vás. :-) Honza
Don't mention their economy. Hope you get out soon.
I wish i could send in the special forces to get you two out!
from:Dylan Tredrea
'Oh that over there? That's the 'timeout cage' for the Greeks. We put them over there so they could figure their shit out without hurting anyone else.' If only it was true... Stay strong guys and I hope you're back home soon!
Hey guys! Hope you get free soon to continue your good work among games and gamers!
We need more dedicated people like you guys! Hope you guys get released soon.
Come home guyz,we need to!
Zdarec borci, ještě chvilu vydržte! Brzo doma a v Brně. Pevný nervy! Janek
from:Jeroen (Plorex)
Hope you guys are doing well over there. I very much enjoy the ArmA franchise and appreciate your hard work. (which even got you guys into trouble.) Get home soon ! Cheers from Belgium.
Snad i řecký byrokrat, má svou rodinu moc rád a dojde mu tak tentokrát, že za tou svou domů chcete akorát. Snad řecký soudy nebudou jak mormoni a dojde jim, že nejste žádní špioni, od stávky na čas upustí, a vás domů propustí. Snad řecký stát bude s naším kamarád, do našeho ráje pustí vás rád, do Vánoc doma budete na stokrát a jestli ne, tak nasere nás akorát. My stát za vámi budeme, přes net jej bojkotovat budeme, jejich mail zaspamujeme, na dovolenou k nim nepojedeme. Tak brzy vraťte se.
Drzte se kluci pustit vas musej my vas recku nedame :)
ahoj chlapy i když pro vás tahle situace musí byt těžká tak ve světě to funguje jako dobrá reklama a třeba vaše zkušenosti s tímto incidentem uplatníte v nějaké hře ale každopádně držim palce ať alespoň na vánoce jste už doma a držte se!
from:Joeri Temmerman
Hi! Good luck! We are thinking of you two!
Zdravím vás. A věřte že vše bude v pohodě ti Řečtí balíci tohle nevyhrají. Hlavně to tam vydržte a všechno dobře dopadne. No přeji hodně štěstí. S pozdravem Poli.
Wow the world seems to get crazier each day. Stay positive you have lots of support. Take Care
Držím palce!!!
from:Aaron G.
Dear Martin and Ivan, Know that your imprisonment has not gone unnoticed worldwide, nor has it been forgotten. We are still rallying around you both, and wish for your swift release.
from:Lukáš "Armored_Sheep" Miláček
Jsem za Vás naštvanej. Moc si přeju, aby jste byli volní. Mám malou holčičku podobně jako Ivan a je mi zle když pomyslím, že bych s ní nemohl být. Vztek můj nebo Váš, ale asi nikomu nepomůže. Vztek měl asi i někdo, kdo se zasadil o to, aby jste byli zavření. Za sebe Vám tedy posílám pohled z podzimní krajinou. Na podzimu mám rád barvy, měkké světlo, uklidnění. Tady v Čechách to teď takhle začíná vypadat. Snad se podaří tisk a Vám ta pohlednice trochu těch pocitů přinese.
Greetings from Utah! You are in my thoughts and prayers. Hope to hear of your safe return home soon.
from:Jan "Sairus" Tůma
Klucí držte se nám tam ! Věřím že se brzy vrátíte domů ! To zvládnete ! Hodně štěstí a pevných nervů !
Hey guys, When I first read about this whole mess I was totally flabbergasted. This being the only thing I can do, I would like to say to you guys, hang in there! I really hope it all gets sorted asap! Kind Regards, Ian
from:Zach M
Dear Martin Pezlar and Ivan Buchta I know that the situation you are in has escalated more then it should have but you have our support from all over the world gamers united now its our turn to payback to our developers who have produced so many games in the past we are going to find a way to get you out of there I hope you have everything you need and there isn't many problems within the confines of the prison don't ever give up on yourselves!!
from:CrayZeee Stephen
Θα υποστηριχθεί αυτά τα άτομα,. Be cool, take it slow, one day at a time, the world community of game players is with you in this. We will come together in your support, the message is getting out and will become stronger hang in there.
It's really unfair what the government did. I hope they'll release you soon. GL
We Battlefield 3 players support you guys !!! Keep Your Head Up!
Hey, Jammer dat jullie vast zitten door deze domme griekse actie. Misschien kan je vrijheid ruilen met deze foto van een apache! Succes!
Dear Martin and Ivan, I've been playing Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis since I can remember, and I've been a fan of BI Studio's game series ever since. Even now, people are still modding for OFP, and I'm deeply concerned about what happened to you. I wish you all the best and I hope the people in charge over there will see reason soon and let you go. It's really saddening me to see something like this happen. But don't give up, you've got more than 12,000 people behind you.
Sorry to hear this unfortunate news, hope you guys will be back soon. This is all a mistake and they will see it any minute.
Chlapy, držím palce a ať vás brzy pustí dom za rodinami !
Hey guys, stay strong. xoxo from UK.
Doufám že vás brzi pustí a ať se co nejdřív uvidíte doma z rodinou, Ahoj Hodně štěstí =)
Take care of yourself. With support, Ze_One
čau hoší :) doufám že vas brzo pustej..to je fakt hruza..kdy vas vubec pusti? na armu se hrozne tesim. :) nak to tam prezijte je mi to lito..
Dear Ivan and Martin! I hope you will be free soon!!! Greetings from Hungary.
from:UNA Templar
Hey Martin and Ivan! hang in there! We will soon invade Greece anyway to get our money back! ;) Best of luck! Greetings
Vraťte se co nejdřív domu.. Myslím, že min. Vaše rodiny na Vás myslí..
From Spain with love and our full support.! CIA TIER 1!
Hodně štěstí,ty řekové jsou ale fakt mašťáci,my jim pomáháme v krizi a oni dělaj takovýhle scény.Ať vse dobře dopadne!
Hang on guys ! All our support from the "Virtual Force" Clan.
Hi guys! I hope you guys get out soon. Courage, Never give up....
While {Ivan && Martin distance home > 1000} DO {(_x send love && support) foreach units Armaverse Hey guys, Stay strong and know that the community is thinking of you and your families.
from:Capt. Sethesták jezevčák Vítek
Ahoja amígo Maxellíto a Ivane! Mějte tam pevný nervy a držte hlavy vzhůru, za nedlouho se dostanete domů. V případě, že by selhala běžná cesta, naše speciální komando už pilně trénuje :) PS: na icq je bez tebe pěkná nuda a budem muset zajít na pivo ;)
Desde Argentina, les deseo mucha suerte, espero puedan regresar pronto con sus familias. From Argentina, I wish you good luck, I hope to return soon with their families.
Never Give Up
from:Bob Patterson Florida USA
Oops, sorry guys, tried to bust you out except my poor pilot skills! Must fly more in ArmA2! Ivan, Martin, you are not forgotten. We are thinking and talking about you guys daily. We are counting the days and weeks. We want you to get out of jail and go home. We will wait for ArmA3, but we can't wait for you to be released. Stay Strong!
Hope the Greek's see sense soon Good luck
Come home soon guys!
Doufám že vás brzy pustí a přeju vám i vašim rodinám hodně sil!
Dear, Martin and Ivan. This card might not be valid in Greece, but maybe it will bring you a small smile and a some hope when the days are dark. You will always have our support.
Hi Guys, Hope the Greeks get real soon and let you out. Untill then we are all thinking of you and wish you a safe and happy return to your friends and family. Cheers,
from:Dale Bruner
Dear Martin & Ivan, I'm sorry about the injustice you are having to endure by the Greek authorities. I guess with all of their economic issues they are facing they have lost their sense of humor. It is important that you don't lose yours. Try and keep up your spirits with the knowledge that all of us Arma fans are pulling for you. This won't last too much longer. [UNA-A2]Pappy[Pvt]
Dear Martin and Ivan, Heads High and Backs Strong! May your stay be brief and the end of this situation near. All the best from the Netherlands
To Ivan and Martin : keep faith in upcoming denouement, stay focus, don't let events crush your morale. To paraphrase a famous military ad : Be Strong, Arma Strong. Greetings from Lyon, France.
Mission editor is awaiting your return!
from:Vojtěch hudi Houdek
Ahoj držím vám palce, a ať vás brzy pustí.
Moc vás zdravím, neztrácejte naději ani v těch nejhorších chvílích, furt za vámi jde plno lidí, kteří za vás bojují! Do Vánoc doufám že budete doma! Máte od nás plnou podporu (i na vaše rodiny nezapomínáme). Doufám že se brzy vrátíte.
As a Operation Flashpoint veteran from 2003. I have always supported Bohemia and their creations. Both Ivan and Martin need to be freed! Our entire community can swear-in to their testament! Both Ivan and Martin have Cerberus5's and United-Nations Support!!! Let them be free to their families
Hiya Martin and Ivan - I hope you both are safe, and know that we are alot of people and fans having you in our thoughts. Justice will come too its light. And you will be back home and safe with youre families again soon. Greetings from Denmark United Nations Army, Solo
from:Michal Smrž
Zdravím. Pánové, holt musíte pochopit, že celý ten "pseudostát", jakým Řecko v současnosti je, potřeboval nějak odvézt pozornost od své zoufalé situace a dokázat, že i přes to všechno dokáže zabezpečit své území a holt jste na to doplatili zrovna vy. Bohužel neschop Schwarzenberg, který tak hlasitě hájil coury z Pussy Riot teď není schopný zajistit pořádnou podporu pro obyvatele vlastní země, kteří se ne vlastním přičiněním dostali do nepříjemné situace. Každopádně přeji brzké propuštění a hodně zdaru!
Hi Guys, Stay strong and bear with it. Everyones on your side and fighting to get you out and back with you families as soon as possible.
Držte se kluci :)
from:Stefan Peric
Držte se tam kluci... Doufám, že vás co nejdříve pustí a užijete si doma s rodinou vánoce.. :)
from:UNA Luke LtGen
Im UNA Luke from a pure ArmA series Clan with over 50 members. We all was shocked to hear about this could happen´t to you and our feelings with you. I was planing to fly as well to this greek Island and planed to make some cool pictures of the Island we would hopefully see soon in game.Thx God i diden´t had time for it other wise I would sit now with you together. Hard to understand this paranoia form Greece. Anyway I hope for us all that you get out soon as possible and return home.
from:Martin Majda
Držte se klucí!!!
Do NOT give up!
from:Sven Arte
Désolé je ne peux parler qu'en Français, mais je vous souhaite une véritable justice. Bonne chance
zdarec z moravy. jen sem vám chtěl popřát brzký návrat nejlépe před vánocema. každý by měl být o vánocích se svou rodinou. PS.: zasílám sadu pilníků :D
Sexy chick for you two! :P greetings and support!!!
Hey Ivan and Martin. We all hope you can see your familys sonn again! We all feel with you and fight to get you out of there! And we'll get you out of there! greetings from Germany
Caute kluci,snad vás nějak dostanou z Řecka snad jo. Uvidíme co bude dál, snad náš ministr zahraničí Karel Swanzenberg udělá vše proto, aby vás od tam tud dostal. Držím vám palce a držte se . S pozdravem Dominik Josefi
from:Martin "Dram" Melicharek
Hey Ivan and Martin! Hang in there, we are all waiting for you to return home. Also Ivan, we definitely need to go skiing again ;) Looking forward to seeing you guys return home, let that be as soon as possible. Take care guys!
I hope you guys get out soon
Hey chlapci, pozdrav zo Slovenska. Drzte sa v tom diktatorskom Grecku, a nedajte sa! Vsetko dobre dopadne, vydrzte. OFP/ARMA2 Veteran
Držte se pánové! Myslíme na Vás, tak ať už jste doma! Bez dalších průtahů a hloupostí... Ezechias [ Nyx.cz ]
freedom is near.
FU Greece
from:Florian Gaminger
Keep your heads up, I'll support you guys whether your work on a really good game or the the fight for your freedom. I myself fight for the freedom myself and had to pay high prices but so more a little saying comes up: "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!" Sincerly Sgt. Florian Gaminger 4./MechInfBtl 92 Germany
from:L. Pelikán
Drazí bojovníci za svobodu, přeji vám především hodne trpělivosti (ta je v podobných situacích zásadní) a vůle využít překvapivě nabytý volný (byť omezený) čas efektivně a ku prospěchu. To nejdůležitější, (masivní) podporu a morální kredit, máte..zbytek je jen otázkou času :) S pozdravem L.Pelikán, Brno
Best wishes lads, keep your chins up and look forward to freedom. Take care, Harv, UK
Prajem Vám šťastnú cestu domov :) a skoré prepustenie z vezenia,všetci tu na Slovensku dúfame že sa skoro vrátite :) .
from:Benjamín Maďorán
Česko-slovenska herná scéna na vás čaká.
Please Free Martin & Ivan!!
from:INTERNATIONAL Commander of IVAS
To the people reading this before it gets to Ivan and Martin, mind your own business. To Martin & Ivan, from all 803 men and woman of the Major Airsoft Unit, American Airsoft Community, we, along with special forces unit 523, 12th company, 2nd squad, will be doing our best to get you out, if thats sending hundreds of these post cards, so be it. Si Vis Pacem, Para bellum E unum de Semper Fidelis
from:Murray Hibble
Hey Martin and Ivan, I hope you guys are being treated okay and I hope you are returned to your families soon. Best of luck chaps, you've got LOTS of support from all of your fans. Regards
Friends! We hope to return soon!
Hope you guys are doing alright! Gamers all over the world have you in their thoughts. Hurry back and best wishes from U.S.A.
Best wishes from Germany! Stay strong!
from:Jaroslav Krcheň
Prajem skorý návrat domov!
Hey Guys, I will kill a rabbit for every day you will remain as being held as hostages. Sincerely,
from:Tommy C
A simple misunderstanding. This men should be released. Stay strong men!
Přeju šťastný návrat domů! :) Co nejdříve!
Dobrý den pánové, posílám vám mnoho síly, a aby se vše rychle vyřešilo. Nejdůležitější je vše vydržet, my tady v Česku na vás každý den myslíme. A přejeme si, abyste už byli doma. Tak neházejte flintu do žita! S pozdravem Jiří "Electric" Ouzký a redakce Battleforce.cz
Hang on guys! Im going to sent you some equipment hiden inside a cake ! Two spoons to digout a tunell and some vodka for... err... you know !
Hi! You gave me years of well spended time with ARMA , learning tactics and projecting new scenarious.Im counting days to premiere of new ARMA, You're future of gaming!Without you ,games wouldn't be as special and realistic ,as they are. Keep strong Czech Brothers! Polish gamers are with you ! you will be free soon :)! PS. Sorry if there are any mistakes!
Get out soon. Your family misses you. Best of luck from the U.S.!
Hi Martin and Ivan, I hope this is all a missunderstanding sites greece, so that you get free soon! If they want tu statue a political example, it's just awkward to do this with free people. I'm so shocked, I have no words.... Regards from good old Germany, Maximilian PS: I'm also in hobby game development, and I know how hard it is to get some good references. ;)
Best wishes from Germany! Hope everything will be ok asap!
Gentlemen, We at Reality Gaming are 100% behind getting you out of prison. We hope you both return home shortly and are being treated well. Just keep your heads high in the knowledge that in the near future, this whole experience will give you both the first hand experience to develop an even better game. We at RG hope you know the ARMA2 community (worldwide) is rooting for you.
Hang on guys, we're going to get you out from this shit. Cheers!
You need to come back guys !! I cant await the new Arma 3 !! Greats from Germany and the GGE !!
Thx for arma 2, without it i could have played the wonderfull dayz mod, thx for everything. Your friend from Portugal Gonçalo Valentim (Be careful and don't let then get you in the shower).
Get back soon. Poland is with you guys.
Dobrý den chlapci, přejeme vám mnoho zdarů a pevné nervy. Snad se celá situace brzy vyřeší a my budeme konečně moci psát zase pozitivní zprávy - o vašem návratu domů. S pozdravem, Redakce inGamer.cz
Yo guys! You're come back soon early, cause Greece is too poor for long jailin' you ;) I wish you'll end yours awesome game and f*ck hard Greeces a*s ;)
Dear Greece, Respectfully, you've got the wrong guys. The gents over at Codemasters whom made Op Flashpoint Red River are the ones who should be locked up. Take care Martin & Ivan, from your left-field, left-wing friends in sunny Scotland. Sean
Hey Guys, i wish you all the Best, im with you and your Familly. All our wishes and are hopes with you. Keep your Heads up and get back soon. Best Regards from the German Geisterjäger Clan.
Zdravím Vás chlapi. To že Vás Řecko pořád drží je hloupost! Modlím se za to aby vás co nejdříve propustili a poslali domů za rodinou a přáteli. Řecko se zase celému světu ukázalo, a je to hnus (opět). Posílám velké pozdravy z České Republiky a držím vám palce.
Greetings from Poland :D The whole community is behind you. :) Hoping you'll be home soon!
If they really were spys, they woudln't go there like turists.
Greetings from Poland, I hope they release you soon. Take care of you, we're believing in you and justice! :)
uciekajcie z Grecji, tam jest gówno
Get them back from jail !!!!!!!!!
I wish you all the best, get back soon!
O kurwa!!!
Dear Greece, Respectfully, you've got the wrong guys. The gents over at Codemasters whom made Op Flashpoint Red River are the ones who should be locked up. Take care Martin & Ivan, from your left-field, left-wing friends in sunny Scotland. Sean
Free Ivan and Martin!
Get back soon Guys! Team Charlie misses You! Greetings from Poland!
from:Xamerith of S.Corps Airsoft Group
Hold tight. We need you back. So we'r sendin you a Pin Up Gal, rather than armored men or some dumb slogans. Always find strength to fight stupidity. Support from Poland.
Panove, diky vam za obe Army a za to, ze porad udrzujete nejakou uroven FPS ve svete.Drzte se.Doufam v to ze se vse brzy vyresi.
Chłopaki. Mam nadzieję że szybko was wypuszczą. Wracajcie do domu robić gry. To głupota zamykać za coś takiego. Pozdrowienia z Polski. FIA Agapow www.fia.com.pl
Martin and Ivan - No behalf of PixelJudge.com, I just want to say you are being thought of and hopefully this mess will be sorted out very soon so you can return home to family and friends. Hope you are being treated well. If Bob could, he would fix it!!!!!! Ruby - PixelJudge.com
Držte se chlapci !! Musíte to vydržet miluju Armu ! Brzy se vrátíte nebojte
Hope you guys get freedom soon. (Sorry for bad English if it`s bad :) Good luck from Poland! :)
Hi Matrin and Ivan, I hope you are fine. Support from Poland. Good luck!
Hold on mates! This bullshit will have serious consequences for Greece! Get the best lawyers and show them how ridiculous they are thinking somebody would spy out them!
Zdarec chlapy, přeji Vám hodně brzký návrat do ČR. Já už bych to nevydržel bez rodiny, známých, kolegů atd.. Musí to být pro vás hrozné. Celá herní scéna stojí pří vás. Řekové aspoň ukázali jací ve skutečností jsou. Peníze hamty hamty do kapsiček a pak se stane tohle. Hlavně že jsme jim půjčily peníze z našich peněženek. Každopádně hodně štěstí.
Kluci vydrzte...jsme tady s vama snad se to vsechno jiz brzy vyresi!
from:Pawel (Randy)
Hi Matrin and Ivan, I hope you are fine. We all hope to see you in freedom as soon as possible. Support from Poland. Good luck!
sme s vami :)
I hope, you guys come back soon! I'm so sorry for this shit! We are all thinking fo you! Greetz from Germany!
you should see the news here. the whole military and gaming community is thinkin of you both. keep fighting! Johnny from GER ps. remember, if someone trys to free you, GET TO THE CHOPPER!
Hoši, vydržet ! Ať jste brzo doma ! Přeji hodně štěstí !
Please, release!
good luck to you, come back soon
hello guys! by all the Italian players hold on that soon will be resolved in the best way! good luck to you
Dear Greece, imprisoning two innocent people + tracing what they had done costs your country around 480,00 €uros a day. Till now this is around 13.400,00 €uros you wasted from your (we heard) well filled treasury! So please Greece let us know why it is more important to bring 2 Photographers into jail and waste so much money - instead of spending it for so many people in your country which lost their jobs cause of the same well working system, which brought Martin & Ivan in jail?
Hello Martin & Ivan! Greetings from Russia, hope everything will be fine soon :) Evgeniy
Hei guys, support from romania!
Hey Guys, Invision Game Community here in the UK, myself Craig CEO and all the staff and gamers accross our user base, wish you all the very best and hope you get home sooner rather than later.. Look after yourself guys. Best Wishes Invision Game Community
"...crawled through a river of shit and came out clean on the other side..." drzim palce, aby ta cesta ven netrvala tak dlouho jako v Shawshanku
We are thinking about you everyday. You might feel alone at times, but you're not. You'll be free soon, but until then, just be strong and be good men. Always be there for each other and maintain your pride the best you can. We'll keep your fight alive until you are free.
from:Petr Juhaňák
Chlapy, prosím vydržte to tam. Teď máte možná pocit, že jste samy, ale já Vás ujišťuji, že za Vámi stojí celá Česká herní scéna, všichni vývojáři i všichni hráči. V případě nutnosti, se k Vám prostě prostřílíme!
from:Gea Arentsen
Dear Ivan and Martin, I am the mother of Joris-Jan and he told me what happened to you both. I hope you can find the courage to endure this awful situation. I hope that you will soon be released and can go home. I send you this bird with the message of hope and freedom. greetings, Gea Arentsen Holland
The post card should speak for it's self. Now hurry up and get back to developing ArmA 3 :D
Hey Martin and Ivan, I hope you are fine. They're many out there who care. We all hope to see you in freedom as soon as possible. Good luck.
James P dude, hope you get out soon. they need to no ur inocent
good luck ... Greece is off my "Places to visit" list... what a crazy joint.
from:six.JgBtl533 | Roman
Behind every Raincloud are the Sun! She is shining to all of us! We hope you come home soon, too enoy the last Sunny Days with your Family! In our hearts we stay togheter! lovely grezze Roman
from:Tristan Anderson
We'll get you guys out. You should not have been jailed for what you did. Stay strong.
The best wishes to you two there and hold on, hope you will soon see again your lovely homeland! If there's anything to be done with which we could help, let us know :) Need anything mailed? Books, a PC, beans, blankets or gentelmans literature? Just give a list and an address! The very best from Estonian fans!
from:DARKNOON cz
Příště se divejte lip na cedule ale meli by vas pusit protoze to spionaz urcite nebyla spis ,,blbost,, !
From =VG= Fastjack Hope you come free soon and you can go back to your families. Best wishes FJ
from:=VG= Wooz
Hang in there, so many people thinking about you guys!!
Hello! Everyone on the internet has been trying to get you guys back safely, we just hope you'll all be back soon! Best wishes from all the way down in Australia.
from:Travis Pawlikowski
Greece can seriously suck it.
Nazdar doufam ze se dostanete co nejdrive domu , hodne sily a nervu xD .
from:Petri J. Knuutinen
Ivan, my dear friend, I never thought I would need to write you like this to get in touch. But nevertheless, here we are. Like they say: "If the email will not come to Ivan, Petri must write a letter to the Greek prison." We will chat about this in sauna one day, drinking Czech and Finnish beer and tell Greek jokes. But till that time, stay strong! You'll get to see your lovely family soon. All the best to Martin as well! Best wishes from, Petri and the boys at the Forces
Best wishes from Germany! Hope you two will be set free soon and be able to join your families.
Wish you were here )=
from:Peter K. (peto277)
Ahojte hrdinovia :) Nemám veľmi premyslené čo sem napísať, tak vám prajem hlavne pevné nervy a skorý návrat domov. P.S. Mám taký pocit že v Arme III sa budú strieľať Gréci :D Peter K.
Zdarec, přeju Vám pevný nervy a brzký návrat! Takhle akorát Řecko ukázalo, jak vyspělý je a jak moc chce podporu ze strany Eurozóny a Unie v jejich krizi. A my blbci jim ještě poslali 10 miliónů Euro jako podporu. Už se nemůžu dočkat Army III. Snad se brzo vrátíte. Jak vůbec vypadá Vaše cela nebo kde to jste? Dá se to? Ondra Baumgartner
Clan support you we are with you http://tacticalgaming.kiev.ua Ukrainian Tactical Gaming
Hello Ivan and Martin! You know that the whole community loves you. We are with you always. We wish that you would let you our idol.
Martin Pezlar and Ivan Harbour I poderzhivayu you, I wish you good luck, we are with you. You have a great proet ArmA3. Loosen Rabe please!
Hey, hope you get home. Here is a badass photo of a Predator and Alien playing chess. I think its pretty dam cool, hope you do as well.
From =VG= Gaz Really hope too see you home soon guys... You wouldent belive the force standing behind you guys! Hang in there. Best wishes from Wales
cao kluci!!! Doufám že vaří dobře a dají vám i trochu toho zlatavého moku. Snad se to nedorozumění brzy objasní a brzy se vrátíte ke svým rodinám. Nová Arma by sice taky nebyla špatná ale hlavně ta rodina :). Za celý Arma Klub Morava vám přeji lepší pobyt a brzkou shledanou.
Best wishes from Finland, hang in there.
Kluci držíme vám palce ...Určitě se z toho dostanete =) Leave no man behind ! :-)
from:Trela Michal
Dear Ivan and Martin, remember, you are not alone.
Hello Ivan and Martin! You know that the whole community loves you. The whole community wants you back. We know you'll be free soon. We thank you for all the fantastic games you've given us, and now, we are all here for you. Stay strong, come home soon! gt_magnus
Hej bracia, nie jestescie sami. Cala spolecznosc graczy stoi za wami murem i zrobi wszystko aby wam pomoc. Trzymajcie sie !
Leave no man behind!
Greetz, love and support from Down Under. Hang in there and stay strong.
from:=VG= BLuDKLoT
We are thinking about you everyday. You might feel alone at times, but you're not. You'll be free soon, but until then, just be strong and be good men. Always be there for each other and maintain your pride the best you can. We'll keep your fight alive until you are free! Scott E. Allen Owner www.veterans-gaming.com
Drodzy Ivanie i Martinie! Przesylam Wam slowa wsparcia i otuchy, oraz zapewniam, ze nie jestescie sami! Trzymajcie sie! Mam nadzieje, ze kiedys wspomnicie te zdarzenia z usmiechem. Maciej
Dear Ivan, dear Martin, I can´t believe that at all. Ivan, we just had a Czech beer on Gamescom and now you got lost somewhere in Greece. My thoughts are with you. Stay strong and keep your head up! I hope that you guys will be released and return to your families and friends as soon as possible! Stay strong and take care. All best from Germany, Mr-Murray
from:Darkwing Duck aka josche
Hi ivan and Martin, my young Dog, 6 Month and i in the Mounten. Greetings from Darkwing Duck aka josche :))) from Germany.
from:withSIX team
Keep your heads up, guys. The whole community is here behind you. All the best from the entire withSIX team!
Martin and Ivan Dont give up Thousands of people all over the world are standing behind you and hope jou get out of Jail. Sierra Jgbtl.533
from:Radek Stavarčík
Kluci, držím vám palce, ať vás brzy pustí! Radek Stavarčík
from:United Reality Forces (URF)
You have URF's full support! We all really appreciate the games that you guys make, arma 2 /oa is one of the best games i have played in my whole life, if not THE best game. we all hope that you guys will be released as soon as possible, good luck and take care ! //GOODSHOOTER, MOUSE, SHERMAN and many more. Special greetings from Iron Eagle.
Hi, Coming to you from China, I like to play Arma games in my free time. They're really fun to play, and I hope you guys get back to get Bohemia back to full strength :D Thanks for the hours of fun! Oliver
from:Adam Franců
Myslíme na vás! Držte se, brzy budete doma! :)
Hello Ivan and Martin! It's not the most usual holiday you guys are having there. Hope they are at least serving you good food. Not just moussaka day after day... Just stay calm and remember that people outside are waiting for you. I hope you will be released soon! PS. Ivan, remember Suursaari?
Ну вы, конечно, пипец ребята дали... Кто же так делает дела... Для следующей армы лучше сами придумайте дизайн военных объектов, ведь на самом деле это не имеет особого значения в конечном итоге. Ну надеюсь с вами там нормально обращаются и вскоре выпустят. Удачи и всего хорошего. Россия, Владивосток.
from:[.PLB.] Cmdr.Jake
Hello Ivan, and martin, i just wanted to say that i really appreciate the games you and Bohemia Interactive have made over the past bunch of years, these are some of the best games i have ever played in my entire life, and i truly love these games, i can play them for years and never get bored, with all the mods, But what is most important is the community you guys have formed over these years. that's what i love. I sincerely hope you are released back to your families ASAP. Good luck.- PLBJake
Nazdar Maxell, sem slysela, ze se ti v tom Recku nejak zalibilo! :) Doufam, ze se tam drzis a brzo budes doma! Mam zpravy, ze to celkem zvladas, ale mozna ti to zacalo lezt na mozek, protoze si tam pry udajne zacal cvicit?! Neuverim, dokud neuvidim :) Moc se tesim az se uvidime o Vanocich a doufam, ze se tomu spolu zasmejem. Myslime tady na tebe a drzime ti palce. PS: Adam ti poslal vtipnej vzkaz na icq, ale to bylo jeste predtim, nez byly zverejneny jmena :)
from:Clinton Ward [UNA]
Hi from England, really sorry to hear of your situation and hope you are back with you family and loved ones soon. I know it must be tough but try to hang in there. Godspeed
from:Whitlow family
Our thoughts are with you and your loved ones and we send these greetings with the hopes that you both safely find your way home to those loved ones as soon as possible.
Chalani drzte sa !!! Snad sa vsetko v dobre obrati a vy budete znova so svojimi rodinami. Vasa komunita je velka a podpora prichadza z kazdej strany , no podstatne je aby sa spamatali urady v grecku. Este raz drzte sa a spravodlivost hadam zvitazi. Vsetci v to pevne verime.
from:Turkish Style
Take Care Yourself.Sorr for may bed english. İvan and Martin . Sizleri en kısa zamanda aramızda görmek çok istiyoruz Operation Flashpoint'den bu yana Bohemia yı takip ediyor ve zevkle ARMA serisini oynuyorum. Yunan yetkililerin en kısa zamanda bu saçmalığa son vermesini istiyorum, yoksa ARMA'daki dostlar olarak biz sizi almaya gelicez. Sizleri seviyoruz ve destekliyoruz.
from:six.jgblt533 | slick
Hi Ivan, hi Martin After a harsh climbing with full equipment, while it was raining cats and dogs, the sun came out suddenly. I wish the same for you. Never forget the journey is the destination! Greetings six.jgbtl533 | slick P.S.: Thank you for your work on ArmA and espiacelly the great community which resolved from it.
Hello Ivan, hello Martin I hope you guys are doing alright not withstanding the difficult circumstances you are in. I'm browsing daily the ArmA dedicated fan sites in the hope to read of your release so that you can go home to your families. My heart is filled with a lot of anger thinking about the situation you're in. The world has gone crazy and what happened to you is just an ulterior confirmation. The community is trying to help but there's little that we can do apart showing our support.
from:Darkwing Duck aka josche
Hi Ivan and Martin, sorry for my bad englisch. Greetings from Germany, Darkwing Duck aka josche and the Jägerbataillion 533, We hope you and Martin comes pronto at your home. to feel warm and fuzzy about so./sth. with you. Cheer up! Darkwing Duck & Jägerbataillion 533 !!
Hello Ivan & Martin. I respect you with my best at these hard times. I have shared this page for so many as I can, so you're not alone. I really hope that Greece will accept this misunderstanding soon as possible. Be brave so you can stand for this, and get back to your families and to your development. I visit this page every day and I still wonder who Tasmanian Devil was. I respect you now as my brothers! Greetings from Finland!
Keep it up guyz, stay strong!, sorry you have to go throughout all off this, it will end soon hoppefuly and will be o.k. Ivan Antić 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
I hope that you will be released and return to your families and friends in your country and the turth will win out! good luck and behatzlaha (hebrew).
Zdravím chlapy držte se jak jen můžete a neztrácejte naději! určitě vás pustí brzo. Máte komunitu, jejich rodiny a přátelé kteří vás v tom nenechají za žádnou cenu! Jsem ochoten se za vás prát jak jen můžu.
The ArmA and DayZ community send our best regards and hope you (and ArmA 3) will be released shortly ;) We hope you are both being treated kindly and with respect and you return home to your families very soon. Best Wishes from BlueCompany on UK4 (hosted by Greg). Maybe we should petition Rocket to add 2 new hero skins to DayZ :D
from:Sascha Paunovic
I really hope you two get back, we miss you, and i would really be sad if you can't see ArmA III getting released. I'm sure ArmA III development will be much slower without you two. Hope you two get back soon! Greetings from Switzerland.
The ArmA community is fully behind you guys! Stay positive and positive things will happen. See you on the other side :)
Wishing you well, hoping justice is done and quickly. Some jokes: "Guys, if you could blow yourselves, ladies, you'd be in this room alone right now. Watching an empty stage.""I was raised as an only child, which really annoyed my sister.""Pornography is often frowned upon, but that's only because I'm concentrating.""I saw a documentary on how ships are kept together. Riveting!""Women priests. Great, great. Now there's priests of both sexes I don't listen to."
There is saying in Swedish: Efter regn kommer solsken. After rain there will be sunshine. Never lose hope!
from:Binary Orchestra
You guys are both going through a rough patch in your lives right now, but rest assured a new dawn will come and you will be released very shortly to return to your loved ones and your country. We dont know what its like from the outside but the isolation alone is enough for me to care as I have been isolated from my loved ones in a point in my life aswell. Gods hand is in all of this, we are praying for you guys.
from:Gonzalo PMC ARG
From all our support form Argentina for Ivan and Martin. Hopefully soon are free and with their families and friends. Keep fighting for freedom, we are with you
WE DONT FORGET YOU. KEEP GOING!! Like we say in spain: "Valor y al toro". Brave and to the bull.
You are not alone! Mucha fuerza desde SPAIN CLAN GIR Grupo Especial de Intervencion
from:=VG= ridDle
You are not alone! Thousands of people are standing behind you! It will be over soon! Best wishes from Veterans-Gaming!
Hey guys! Sorry to hear what happened to you in Greece. I really hope you will be able to get home soon! The Community and a lot of people are with you guys, so hang in there! Best wishes from Transilvania! Tartsatok ki, fiuk!
from:Eddie Andersson (paecmaker)
Hi, I can say for most of the community that we were all shocked when we heard that you had been arrested. I truly believe that you are innocent and that you will be released soon. I can only imagine how hard it must have been for not only you but your families and friends back home. You are not alone, there are lots of people supporting you and trying to help anyhow they can. I hope you well Greetings from sweden.
bonjours, je tiens a vous dire que mes amis joueur et moi même, sommes de tout coeur avec vous dans ce moment difficile. nous espérons que ce problème ce réglera au plus vite. nous pensons a vous et a vos familles.
from:=S= Norman
Hi guys! Don't give up, we trust in justice, ES is not a jungle.. . Best wishes from Latvia!
Hi Guys, I really hope you'll get out soon. Getting arrested for "research" - This is so pathetic! Thanks for developing such great games. Keep on the good work. The Community stands behind you! All the best! Greetings from Germany.
Dear Mr Pezlar and Mr Buchta, I wish the both of to be safe there while your fans and your buddies from BIS will try their best to help you.I know its very unconfomfortable there and we do feel the pain anger and such just like you but dont forget! We're with you ! Your family are with you ! We are all like a big family! Leave no one behind! Keep your hopes up! and dont stop praying! with Regards from Malaysia. -Murray-
from:Valko Zenovka
Dear Ivan and Martin. I am sorry this happened to you guys,I hope this mis-understanding is sorted out for the best and your families.My thoughts are with ya guys.Regards from the USA ~Val~
from:Thomas Schwarz (Kuro)
Dear Mr Pezlar, Dear Mr Buchta, my heart is with you and your families. It is a shame that this happens in the middle of europe. A lot people (around the world) are with you. Keep the best hopes. With best Regards Thomas
we are trying our best here hang on.
Dear Ivan and Martin. Deepest sympathy from China. I am very worried about your recent situation. Especially Ivan, see your portrait of Skype has been grey, my heart is in pain. We all hope to do our best part to help you, although it is likely those such behavior are sketchy, inadequate without substantial efficacy. but you have to understand, our anxiety, anger and frustration is just like you. Our hope is just like you! You will soon take off and come back to home safety! Take care yourself
HANG IN THERE! Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth. "Mahatma Gandhi"
from:Aaron "Redneck" Blom
Lets hope they understand reason and let you guys out, or we may have a war on our hands.
Ivan and Martin, love from Canada, hoping the both of you get released soon and in good health. Keep your spirits up, you are not forgotten.
Know that many people support you guys and wait for your release. I can't imagine what you are going through, but I am certain things will turn out well in the end. Stay strong!
Ivan and Martin, Love from the USA. Get the heck out of there and back home to your families. We are thinking about you and you are not forgotten.
I would imagine the food is good. Who doesn't like Greek food? Hope you get home to your families soon!
Rescue team on the way, ETA 5 minutes. get ready for the action!!!
Best of luck to you both. I hope you are released soon !
Head up, men, we think of you and hope you`ll get home soon
from:F27 Sharps
I hope so that this story will be end well and quickly, Friendly Sharps
Help is on the way! Parachuting in! Hope everything works out!
Be strong and think of the goods times. You will be free again soon.
CSAR anyone?!
from:Mr. Charles
Help is on the way ;) Mr. Charles and the guys from HX3.de
All the best and good luck!!! Someone needs time for releasing his game... maybe;-) Take care, hope u guys are free men asap!!!
The world is pulling for you. Don't despair.
from:Jerry Hopper
Hello Martin & Ivan, I hope the situation get resolved soon mates, Sitting there, waiting for over 24 days without a trial must be a real frustrating reality. When all this is over, i'll treat you both on a dinner and a good wine in a the arcadia hotel in Sahrani. hang in there you both, we'r mobilizing the masses!
from:Robert (ShepardSVK) Turčan
Komunita je s Vami!!! Držte sa tam. Nech vyhrá zdravý rozum nad populizmom!!! Za kolektív československej multihernej komunity z portálu battlefield.sk Vám skorý a šťastný návrat želá už desaťročie verný fanúšik...
from:Brandon Evans
Best of luck to you both. I hope you are released soon and get to see your friends and families! We're all supporting you. Best of luck to you guys.
from:Justin LeClair
Stay strong, and you will be home in no time! Hopefully you still think the game is worth it after all that has happened. Thank you for your work on an amazing game series! If you want CSAR extract, just say!
I wish both of you the best of luck possible. May you be reunited with your families soon!
from:Aaron Young
Keep your heads high and your spirits higher! Brothers never leave brothers. We'll see you soon. Semper Fi!
Stay stong in this difficult time.you will be back with your family's before you know it.respect from me and the United kingdom arma community. Ps stay positive
I am chinese boy!
We're coming for you! We don't leave men behind.
from:Ryan "Venom" Calhoun
No man will ever be left behind, just hang in there, everyone in the community has your back on this
Coming for you.
Fortitudo et Honor
Hello, i hope everything turns how for the best for you guys. keep strong! Greetings from the united states.
Hi, I hope you come back fast to your family. Arma community is behind you, and support you behind this terrible experience. ze_one
from:Kyle Blunt
Come home soon guys!
Noone will be left behind! p.s. Greece cut the bullshit!
hey guys,just to let you know,all the Arma community is with you and I hope that you wil lget out soon.
from:Bullet Purveyor
Ivan and Martin, I hope you guys will be able to go back to your family and friends as soon as possible! Greece please wise up and free the innocent! Greetings from Norway
We are with you, you are not alone in this difficult time. Greetings from Germany.
from:nathan wynter
we will get you guys home
Keep your heads up! You will come back! Greeting from Germany
from:Matthieu Scherrer
Dear Ivan and Martin, I hope you will be released as soon as possible. - Greeting from Switzerland
Don't give up! We will bust you out!
from:Michael Sheldon
Stay strong, Greece can only afford so many prisoners at a time. come back soon.
Ivan and Martin - Be brave, stay strong and do not lose hope. Comes home healthy safe return back. Solidarity greetings from germany!
from:Kirk M
We need dedicated developers like you- stay strong and get home!
Hi Martin, Ivan hope you guys are doing OK. It's shit that you guys are where you are and our feelings go out to you and your families. Hopefully you guys will be back soon! All the best. :)
from:Ryan Dent
Come home soon and safely! You have our full support!
from:Over The Top - Mod Team
Good Luck Guys!!! -Over The Top Team
Ivan, Martin SRU you like to wish you a quick and safe return back home. Stay strong! SRU Team
Takistani guerrilla fighters send their support to Ivan and Martin from sunny Esbekistan. Freedom is on it's way, Alhamdullilah!
Hope your well enough guys and keep strong, you'll have earnt another holiday by the end of this im sure, hopefully you'll be home soon.
We are with the Greek people in this bad recession moment. All the best Brothers. We are with Martin and Ivan, developers of the best videogame series in Human History, and also our brothers. They are not spies, they are just entertainers. Their game will bring plenty of Tourists to Limnos. We beg you for their freedom. Stay strong guys !!! Elephteria!!!
Poland with you!! Be strong guys!
I hope this misunderstanding will not last long and come back home soon!!! The best wishes for you, guys!!!!
from:Alpha-Kilo (JgBtl533)
Dear Ivan and Martin, I sincerely hope that you will be released soon. My thoughts are with you. Be strong!
from:Fin Soldier
Hello! I'm from Finland ,and I've always loved your games. I know that this must be hard times, but you got to be strong. I've shared this page for so many people I know. I remember when i woke up every morning and I made missions in Operation Flashpoint, Good old Times! My favourite game story of all time is the campaign "Resistance". The story was so great that i will never forget that. I really hope that you will be released soon!
Greece ..????? Germany want his Money Back now Let ivan and Martin at Home he haves a Woman and Childrens
Greece wants sabotage Arma 3 hope you 2 will be soon at home and create some great games Your Loyal fan from czech !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! držíííííííííííím palce
israel with you. Come back home soon!
Hi to you both, First than to take your troubles patiently, it was us that you have done nothing. You will soon be free. They will recognize their mistakes. Hold on. See you soon
Hi to you both, First than to take your troubles patiently, it was us that you have done nothing. You will soon be free. They will recognize their mistakes. Hold on. See you soon
from:Austin T
Hey guys, I've been playing the ArmA series from the very beginning, starting with OprFP, I fell in love with the game because of the freedom in it, and the Military simulation. I could do whatever I wanted, and with mods, I could do it in whatever era I wanted. The game has always been a great success, and I know when we get you guys out of there, ArmA 3 will be an even bigger success. I hope they're treating you guys okay. Just like the card says, Leave no man behind, and we intend to do just that. Don't worry.
Greece... You want to kill ArmA 3? I'm sure they'll look at the evidence and they will be free.
Hello Ivan and Martin, all of us hope to have you back home soon. Noone would have imagined that your games are criminally close to the real deal but i guess you can be the first game developers to say you went to jail just to get this game out! Anyway, i wish you the best of luck that you return home safe and sound and rather quickly than late. All the best from Germany!
Vydržte. Nikdo si sice nedokáže představit vaši situaci, ale i tak je celá komunita s vámi a drží palce. Doufám, že bude nedorozumění co nejdříve vyřešeno a vy se bez potíží dostanete zpět domů. Do té doby přeji hodně trpělivosti a výdrže (a také doufám, že vám mateřský jazyk přijde vhod).
Hope you come back home soon. be strong !!
I wish you guys the best ! And i am ashamed for my Greek officials.
We will fight for you freedom - No man behind!
Hello, guys! I hope you wil be free soon. Thanks for the games that you develops. Just remember that you are not alone. Ukraine supports you:)
Poland is with you guys!
from:Kristian Suominen
I have a tip as an old Flashpoint player on how you can get out of prison and back to your families. If you speed up time to 4x, and keep sprinting against a wall, the hitbox will probably let you trough :) I hope you guys will get out ASAP. Just remember to steer clear of Greece after this? :c
from:BwGbl Marko/ Leader Bwgbl
Hi Ivan and Martin, we wish you all the strength to endure what is to come. You guys are not alone, the entire Arma community is with you. Hang tight, and hopefully the situation will be resolved soon! Best wishes from the Bundeswehr Guard Battalion. From Germany
I sincerely hope that everything is sorted out soon. My thoughts are with you.
We are watching on you friends, don't give up our toughts are with you.
I don't care if you are creating the Arma 3 (I like it, not that.) I care that you need to be released, you were not spies. So, that's why.
Hello Ivan and Martin, I write here in the name of the 81st Air Brigade Arma 2 realism clan, and for myself and wish you the best luck for a quick release out of greek Prison. I have already wrote letters to the german ambassador in greece, aswell as the greek ambassador in germany and still await reply. I hope that you will come out of this fine and healthy- best wishes from South-West Germany
Ahoj, cześć, hi! Wracajcie do domu jak najszybciej - come back to home as soon as possible - Vraťte se do domu co nejdříve - πίσω το συντομότερο δυνατό!
Ahoj Ivan a Martin, All of us back here in the Czech Republic wish you well and much strength in this horrible situation. We look forward to see you back here as quickly as possible. There are a lot of great people around the world who are actively rallying support for you and your families. Best wishes, Joris
Hi Ivan and Martin, we wish you all the strength to endure what is to come. You guys are not alone, the entire Arma community is with you. Hang tight, and hopefully the situation will be resolved soon! Best wishes from the German Armed Forces Mod Team
Hope they'll let you go back home ! We r with u ! France support !
Hi Ivan and Martin, love greetings from Germany. I hope that this drama is coming to an end and you can home. We are in thought with you.
Greetings from Germany. We are with you ! ! ! Hope they let you go asap.
send love greetings from Germany and hope that Greece one view has, that as we European, not mutually spying. Wish much strength that to endure and hope that you can quickly return to your families. sorry for my english.
from:=VG= Murderface
hope you guys are doing good. hang in there boys! you'll be back before you know it. Kindest Regards
Hope you guys get home soon. Leave the camera's at home next time. Also do you know that hackers are in Dayz? Jk guys. Greece sucks.
We think about you every day here at VG. We hope that you return safely and swiftly to your homes and families. Know that you have support from all over the world, and know that you are in our thoughts.
Hey guys, Just letting you know that I'm sending tweets/facebook updates and keeping tabs on your situation. What a crummy thing to happen when you're on holiday! Keep your spirits high and lets hope these strikes resolve quickly. Ciao
Hey dudes, I hear prison sucks, so here's a Giraffe to cheer you up. Next vacation, come to the US and I'll treat you guys to beers and great food instead!
from:Jonas "Fireball" Nagel
Hi Ivan Hi Martin Sorry, can't enter this building :-) I thought I'd write something to cheer you up. I actually guess, in A3 we'll be able to enter the building - and you'll exit the one you're in. It's not a matter of if. It's a matter of when. You are soldiers in a Mindfield (Prodigy anyone?), but you'll find your way through, I'm certain. My deepest sympathies.
Martin and Ivan, Sit tight men. This must end soon. You have huge support behind you and they are doing everything to see that you're back and safe in your own homes. Stay strong and never give up. You and your families are in our thoughts.
We're trying our best to get you guys out of there. Stay strong and Thank you for making such an amazing game!
from:Michael Pfeuffer
Dear Ivan and Martin, i hope they will let you home and you can see your family and friends... We will support you!
from:Skitz03.14. England
We'll get you guys out soon, I promise.
from:Simon "Danetrooper" Hasse
Hey Ivan and Martin I dont know what you guys are going through but it must be real though. I wish you guys all the luck, hope and love on the earth. I hope this nightmare ends very soon. Hang in there guys, nobody gets left behind!
from:Paul Rubik
Martin and Ivan, i think of you every day. And i hope youll get free soon.
Ivan and Martin, It may be a tough situation down there for you guys but you're not alone - many people are with you and following the case closely. Let's hope that with our support you two are back home with your loved ones really soon!
from:Jeffrey Lerman
Hey guys, I've never been in your situation, but hang on! You've got a great team behind you doing everything they can to get you back home. And best of all you've got a huge community that even wants you home. Whether it's a post on a forum, a tweet at a governor, an email, a phone call, just know everyone is here for you two to help you get out of this stupid situation. So hang on, we'll all be waiting for you guys when you get out!
from:Lukáš Kanik
Zdravím, stretol som sa s Ivanom na GamesCome, super chlapík. Komunita aj médiá stoja za vami, dúfam, že sa to vyrieši čo najrýchlejšie a správca ostrova konečne dostane rozum. Držte sa!
from:Gekon, Pettka, Tilion
Myslime na vas, kluci. Drzte se!
Dear Martin and Ivan, having the community and most importantly the truth behind you, I am confident you are strong and will endure whatever stones are put into your ways until you can finally return home to your loved ones. With hope and support! Three. Four. Get to that. Home.
from:Paul & Nataska Statham
Stay strong Martin and Ivan, we're all holding out good thoughts that you guys are home soon where you belong with your friends and families. Best wishes, Paul & Nataska Statham
Delame co muzem ! Drzte se.